Monday, November 27, 2006

I Think My Dog Is Having Mini Strokes

Holy Week in Valdantena

We present a memory on a significant moment in the liturgical year, Holy Week, as it was lived in Forty-thirties of last century. This paper was published in issue 2006 of the journal "Studies Lunigiana", published by the Cultural Association to ethnographic and historical research on the Lunigiana "Manfredo Giuliani." The magazine, published several years, and the Ethnographic Museum in Villafranca Lunigiana play an important role for people who want to study the Lunigiana area, its history and its traditions.

Even during Lent, families get ready for the rites of the Christian Holy Week and Easter. The parish of Valdantena is somewhat uncomfortable for the distance there is between some countries and the church in spite of this participation in the Via Crucis was strongly felt, and in the evening, during the recitation of the Rosary shall not neglect to add a prayer for five wounds of Jesus and the seven sorrows of Our Lady.
Palm Sunday the pastor knocked three times on the door of the church and received it within the faithful who accompanied him to the altar with hymns of joy, cheering "Hosanna to the Son of David" and, holding olive branches . With this ceremony we wanted to recall the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. On the afternoon of Sunday after Vespers and part of Monday was reserved for confession and communion. The priest was assisted by his brothers from neighboring parishes. On Wednesday morning in the
fabbricieri prepared the "Tomb" helped too
and some women of the parish, which already during Lent in different pots were sown vetches, wheat and barley. Then let them grow in the dark, so that the plants would take an unnatural color, almost white. On either side of the Tomb placed two juniper trees decorated with lots of roses of various colors of paper. It was not full of so many precious flowers such as the present day, but always prepared with such dedication and love.
On Wednesday afternoon began the rituals to which the faithful were called by the ringing of bells, not yet silenced in a sign of sadness.
the morning of Holy Thursday, many of the faithful went to Pontremoli to assist during the Chrism Mass, the consecration of the oils and the washing of feet. We went well as a building, which took custody of the precious vials with holy oils to be delivered to the pastor. According to the liturgy of the time, on Thursday began the commemoration of the crucifixion and death of Jesus as a sign of sorrow the bells were no longer hear their voices (they were related), to summon people to church was used or a large shell, blowin 'in which emitted a sound that could be heard from afar, or the "graclòn," a big frog that came to the parish and was used only during Holy Week. At about 17:30
function began with the singing of the Passion, for which the singers were divided parties. On a candlestick triangle located near the altar were lighted candles and at the end of each psalm or part of the Acts of the Apostles it was an off. Off the last one "beat Pilate," that started a lot of confusion - to underscore the condemnation of Jesus and his crucifixion - accompanied by the croaking of frogs (gracle), that many boys had built during Lent. Soon after the pastor came down from the high altar to the grave to lay the consecrated Host, which would remain there throughout the morning until late Friday and Saturday.
On Friday he had a duty to respect the ancient tradition of fasting and eating food without meat, eggs or dairy products. At noon we ate cod and vegetables seasoned with a little oil in the evening "to thin soup, made with leeks, beans, dried mushrooms and homemade noodles.
Early in the morning was to go to church for the visit to the tomb and to gain the indulgence, we went out and came to church seven times, repeating the traditional prayers. After the church service we would take off his shoes and, proceeding on his knees, he reached the altar to worship a cross given to her bare feet. On the same day some men of the parish, having worn the shirt and holding each other a cross, praying they walked along the ancient streets to visit the seven churches in the valley: Casalino, Pracchiola, Gravagna S. Bartholomew, S. Gravagna Rocco, of Antena Cavezzana, Montelungo Cargalla and - hence - again Casalina. They were called "penitents" or "flying" and their was not just a walk, to walk several kilometers. Along the road intersected with penitents of other parishes that were the opposite way.
Very moving was the feature of the evening. So many people came even from neighboring countries like the night before the singers took turns reciting the Passio. Extinguished the last candle is again "beat Pilate." Above the door of the rectory there was a large wooden pulpit, which was addressed to everyone's attention, waiting asked the preacher for the occasion. When this was the homily with the main steps of the Passion and Death of Jesus, was now getting dark and began the great procession of Good Friday, with the statues of the dead Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows. Along the route of the procession there were lights on, but they were impressive especially the lights of the houses of neighbors purposely left on. The glow of torches, the acrid smoke that they unleashed, the singing of the Miserere and other prayers in the heart they put a poignant sadness.
Holy Saturday, an old custom, the fire was lit using a tinderbox in the churchyard. Entered the church began the preparation for the blessing Holy Water, which then would have been available to the parish and the families that drew at home to bring in a sign of faith. Began immediately after the S. Mass and the Gloria, the bells rang across the valley lying. The priest removed from the tomb and reported the consecrated Host in procession on the main altar, leaving the door of the tabernacle of the open grave. Christ was risen! Who was left at home ran to the source to bathe the eyes. Already in place were sowed in pots and other qualities of the basil seeds. After dinner was the joy of the boys who had so carefully prepared special herb. This, well dried and crushed, was put together in a pot from eggs, boiled, they did a nice bright red. The wealthiest families their sons they gave about a dozen (less than the girls!), However there was no family in which the Saturday night not provide himself with the traditional egg dyeing.
On Easter Sunday, no longer passive, no more sorrow. All the altars, which were bare in the preceding days, were adorned with flowers. The tomb has been removed. It 's spring. It seems that nature also bows the exultation of the Church. The pastor wears vestments finest. The Mass was solemn.
During the day the boys playing "Cocetta" with the enemy, arguing that win tapping eggs against the other more fragile shell. After vespers was customary to go to their fields to collect the tender radicchio, which was consumed in the evening with the family as an accompaniment to boiled eggs.
Photo: Casalino, where the parish church of Valdantena

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Walk In Clinic Whit Pediatrition Toronto

family in 1905 Lisoni

In the early twentieth century photography was a serious matter. The shots were not totally wasted and family portraits were linked to special occasions. In the family archives there are moving images, often linked to migration across the Atlantic (and then with people here appear fotogrefie struts, which set the objective, often dressed in clothes hired for the occasion, or in some other cases - most rare - Intent to do their jobs). On this occasion I like to present the family Lisoni depicted on the "lodge" of the Lower House of Toplecca. A photo that has nothing strange, if there was even a dead person: Anna Maria Louise Caffoni (better known as Louise), lying on the bed and brought outside so that he could be portrayed with his family in mourning.
Caffoni Louise, born in 1824, was the second wife of John Mary Lisoni and died in Lower Toplecca April 22, 1905 (it is possible to date the photograph). Her husband was a descendant of a family of Valdantena (this, in addition to Toplecca, even Versolato, Casalini, and predicted Groppodalosio in the late nineteenth century), with various vicissitudes that had moved in the Parma and Piacenza, and then return to the country of origin. Giovanni Maria (1810-1871) was married to Caffoni (second marriage after being widowed by Venerable Orioli) and she had eleven children: Mary Magdalene Petronilla (1853-1928), Lorenzo (1857-1886) Fortunata Maria (1862-1911), Ignatius Bartolomeo (1864-1951), Octavius \u200b\u200b(1865-1938), Assumption Dove (1868-1955), Sante (Emigrated to Chile), Giovanni Battista and Marco. His first wife had two children: Vincenzo Bernardo (1843-1923) and Ferdinand (1845-1928).
Interestingly pierced the attitude of the whole family, all tuned to the characteristics of the situation.

Friday, July 7, 2006

Mucus Cough With Blood Taste

Years emigration

E 'in the early twentieth century that the village of the Valle del Magra is empty, first temporarily and then permanently. Economic difficulties, which often results in a life extremely difficult for very many families led many young people to choose the way of America. They went in many, often in groups, looking for luck (sometimes to suck the call to arms on the eve of World War I), some to return some years later and buy with the money saved with difficulty, a portion of home ground, so as to provide a more dignified life for themselves and their families.
But very often the case that the return was only temporary: after a few years there they return to the path of Genoa (but the port of embarkation is also to Le Havre) for a second or third episode in "very distant lands "that aims to put aside some 'savings to take home along with more diverse experiences. Or to permanently close the door to face the perils Ocean along with his wife and children.
Archives of landings at the port of New York are full of names of emigrants Valdantena, Pracchiola, Cargalla, Cavezzana of Antena and Gravagna (to mention only those countries which directly concern us) down from the ships to address the quarantine and then the challenges of nuiovo world. And through the boarding passes available through are found traces of many family stories: family reunions, the call of " friends, sometimes true, but often simple labor brokers who received sums of money for " call" unknown in the States, which then had to pay their service made through withdrawals from their salary on time. A story is repeated today, here with us, for people of other nationalities who seek their mirage in Italy. And around these facts are developed thousands of stories that would be worth finding. those who have reconstituted in a street or in a district of New York branch of a kind in the country of origin, who came to the U.S. to hear from relatives who had "called": "And now arranged .. ., "who made a fortune to those who have endured the difficulties of a incomprehensible language and the pangs of nostalgia and has resumed after a week away in Italy.
In those years, was born in New York " Pontremolese " genuine mutual aid societies, which aimed to provide help, in a world where social security was a term virtually unknown, many misfortunes suffered and risked total poverty would make them victims of an unscrupulous illegal hiring.
It was an association, which each contributed with modest contributions, which demonstrated several times its social function, especially when it came to repatriate borne by the Association for accidents at work (Many, since the occupations most often - and even more desirable, because the more profitable - those were related to work in mines).
The photo, taken around 1915, is Adolfo Lisoni of Toplecca, along with a fellow who is engaged in the laying of pipes outside of a mine. The Lisoni, back in Italy, began to use the experience gained in the U.S. when, a few years later, the fraction of Toplecca was plugged and he had to have the skills to turn the first rudimentary electrical systems when they, in many of houses in the country, were the tantrums.

Monday, June 5, 2006

Very Simple Room Rental Aggrement

a life expectancy more than doubled in a century

It 's interesting to note that the average life of the population is gradually elongated during the twentieth century, to the point that life expectancy a current resident of Valdantena, Pracchiola area has more than doubled compared to his compatriot who lived in the years 1900-1910, ie in a decade, however, not characterized by specific situations, which were, in the late 20s, the first conflict world and, soon after the outbreak of English flu.
It 's true that the study of demography of Valdantena and other towns of the Valley of Magra partially distorted by the gradual expulsion of the younger population, but the age at death in the late nineties of the last century, is attested by the vast majority of cases well beyond the seventieth year of age, frequently exceeding the threshold of 90 years. It should be noted that, throughout the first half of the twentieth century, those who arrived at the age of 90 were rare and that the age reached by those who had escaped to the high infant mortality rate stood between 60 and 70 years.
In the coming time, just after some technical difficulties, and put some tables showing the network - a graph - the data from the study of population in the territory of Valdantena (statistical data drawn from the parish registers re-arranged by Mauro Bertocchi and today carefully preserved in the Diocesan Bishop of Pontremoli by Luigi Farfarana). They are the ones that we now have, data is still provisional, but I would say coming to lead to definitive values, since the differences which currently register are no longer significant percentage. Interestingly, the trend line (the one in red) indicates a gradual climb, unlike the previous century, when the trend in the average age at death results in a nearly horizontal line. At the same time I'm sure if the data are confirmed by analysis documents (State of souls and Book of the Dead) in the surrounding parishes (specifically Pracchiola).
My attention is now an emphasis on certain facts which I believe should be more accurate analysis: mortality attributable to the First and Second World War, the period of English flu, and some epidemiological situations (probably diphtheria) whose effects are really tragic found in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Another aspect to consider carefully is then the whole phenomenon of migration, both to the Americas that lasted almost until the sixties of the twentieth century, is that towards the industrialized areas of Italy and, in smaller numbers, to other European countries.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ovarian Cysts And Chronic Fatigue

When the mountains together ...

The photograph of the Magra river, whose waters flow under the old bridge ( of Va 'dark ) that, among Groppodalosio and Casalini, allowed one of the many who traveled route via Francigena to cross the river that lies a few kilometers upstream, is significant for introducing a land whose history can not not be understood if read with attention to the road that crosses it.
Valdantena Today is close to the route of the A 15 Cisa (which also affects countries in very close, essentially contiguous - Montelungo Gravagna, Cavezzana of Antena), in the past and Valdantena Pracchiola were crossed by at least two main roads that, going from Lunigiana - and, therefore, from Tuscany and from the port of Luni - were projected toward the Po Valley or the Cisa pass through (the way of Monte Bardone ) or through one of Cirone (the Valley of Parma). Important routes through which it is moved not only the history of ordinary people (small businesses, cultural ties, but also epidemics and destruction), but the big story, that of the armies, one way or another, crossed the Apennines with their Following the death, famine, large and small tragedies for those who remained alive, they were, after the storm, to have to start all over again.
last of these terrible experiences, the final phase of World War II, when German forces in the foothills of opposeronproprio Cisa, from Pontremoli to Fornovo, the last futile resistance to the advancing allied to Massa. The last bombing occurred on the territory of Valdantena the night between 26 and 27 April 1945. And the next day - say those who have lived and remember the experience of war - the road Cisa offered the tragic spectacle of the carnage of what was left of a routed army.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

What Are The Pro's About Convection?

start a business

Greetings to all.
I thought I'd start this blog to meet people, moving around the network, they have something to say about the territory where does the Magra. I'm looking for the story, which is not a trivial matter, and, in particular, I am putting together families who have lived in countries and Valdantena Pracchiola.
I find it difficult in recent times, for those who had to leave the country to travel to other parts of Italy and - especially - in foreign countries (Europe, North America and South America).
If anyone finds this message and wants to get in touch with me, I will be happy to share with him the details you need.
My address is , or if you prefer a more traditional
dr. Giulio Armanini
fraz. Toplecca lower 8
54027 Pontremoli (MS)