Thursday, August 2, 2007

Numero De Serie Blazedtv 6.0

Logarghena, August 2, 1927

who rises to Logarghena has, today, as a privileged point of reference, the "monument" (a round piece of marble, reminiscent of a broken tree) located right on the ridge, at a small chapel with, inside, a picture of Madonna.

That monument was restored in 2002, as well as the chapel, to care for family members of four young Valdantena who, at Logarghena the beginning of August 1927, had left the life for "the explosion of a projectile .

An inexplicable fact for many, who wonder how this could happen in a place that had never before been the scene of war (it would be, but fifteen years later ...) and that, indeed, already in those years, was known as the home of one of the most loved by those who enjoy the beauty of our mountains: the "Festival of daffodils" since then drew people from Lunigiana , from La Spezia and Parma ..

was about 11 of August 2, 1927 when a muffled roar shook the peace of the whole valley. consumed, Thus, in a moment the tragedy of four boys. who along with two friends, had found in a meadow, not far from the place where the monument now stands, a bullet remained unexploded cannon were made after military exercises in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 7th Regiment of artillery.

The soldiers had placed their guns on the main road Cisa, at Badalucco, and from there a few days earlier, had shot up Logarghena. In those days the village of Toplecca (from where they came from three young people dead, the other was Casalina) had been evacuated, but then finished the tutorial, everything had returned to normal, so Valentino Botti Gaulle (23 years), Alfredo Lisoni (aged 16), John Piagneri (13 years) and Attilio Romei (14 years), along with Peter and Peter Piagneri Belforti, had returned to their mountains, as well as others, to lead the cows to pasture usual. The find the bullet, the look, move and, perhaps, strike him with the tip of a pen to check its consistency (as evidenced by the two survivors, one of whom, Peter Piagneri, then a priest who became, for many years every August 2 was Logarghena went to celebrate a Mass to pray and to remember his friends) was a tragic game.

Piagneri Lino, who was among the first to flock together with a charcoal burner, who was working nearby, could not help but load on his shoulders the Belfort (as did the coal with Peter Piagneri), stopping to wash his wounds and run towards the village. To all those who repeated meetings not to run because, for those who were still up there, there was nothing left to do. There were only a little distance, a few girls who cried desperately. The deaths of four boys had been instantaneous. The reports drawn up by Dr. Pius Bertolini, medical amnesty to Molinello, cite as causes of death, Valentino Botti Gaulli the "removal of its head , Alfredo Lisoni a" penetrating wound in the heart region " for Attilio Romei a "wound of the aorta arch" and John Piagneri "three for trauma wounds in the heart region" . Valdantena The parish priest, Don Giuseppe Gaverina in the register of the Dead, where he notes that death had occurred "ob mortem improvvisam explosionis projectiles because hora tenth spot Meadows Logarghena first ante meridiem" writes, next to the name of Valentino Botti Gaulle "Of the same death also died the following three. Overkill indicated by Meadows Logarghena to bring the poor young Cemetery 4. Just heard the news I went there, but died instantly. Domine, dele iniquitates eorum " .

eighty years have passed since that tragic August 2 and now the memories are fading direct. But I still feel the elders tell of unnecessary recommendations of caution to young people who rose to Logarghena: "be careful what you find (there was also a man who tried to stop the six young men decided to go up there where four of them would shortly afterwards met his death), of "miracles" for other lucky to have escaped a similar fate, "we cursed the woman who was prevented from boarding Logarghena - he used to tell the part of another group forced to withdraw from climbing the hill - and Instead we found that was, its a providential intervention. " Or, rather, the story of Alfredo Lisoni that that day would have come down with his mother in Pontremoli, the "Pardon of Assisi" and the purchase of a new pair of shoes. But then he changed his mind and, thus, for the last time he went up to Logarghena.

When the tragedy on the grass, a few years, Italy had fallen under the fascist regime, the idea of \u200b\u200ba beautiful country to be transformed into military power was strong and could not be certainly a regrettable accident stop the system. When, a few days later, the military exercises came to an end, the Officers of the Seventh Artillery was offered a lavish party at the expense of the Municipality Pontremolese. In the acts of those days, not even a word about what had happened. Indeed. They were not a few threats, not too veiled, which were made against a father who sought justice and was urged to sit quiet, to avoid worse problems. Admitted that there could be worse problems for the death of a child for a grazing left without rehabilitation exercise after shooting ...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I Have A Sore In My Gums Near My Tooth Extraction

"My Dear Son", a popular prayer for the Holy Week

A few months ago (November 2006) had reported in these pages a memory of how the week before Easter Valdantena had lived in the years between the two world wars, when the countries were still densely populated and when the church was the center of the Christian community whose identity was very much alive. Rites different from those of today, lived with a problem of our less religious, sometimes peppered with something that seems almost tending to stray towards the limits of superstition.

On " Lunigianesi Studies, the journal of the beautiful" Manfredo Giuliani "Villafranca in Lunigiana, had been published, together with the re-enactment of the Week Santa Valdantena in "even the" prayer "now propose again, a dialogue between the Virgin Mary and Jesus, who is about to rise on the cross and then, after being" as good underground wheat " , recur to men, on Easter Sunday, " in heaven, on earth and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar .

Prayer has the development discourse, typical of sacred representations of medieval origin (remember certain passages in the "weeping Madonna " of Jacopone) and is rich in references to popular culture, from triumph in Jerusalem, the figure of the knight to that of a pilgrim (not a chance in our mountains, the cult of San Rocco was the most common), justice Pilate , the metaphor of good wheat , which germinates in the earth to be reborn and give bread to the people of the fields.

Also interesting is the use of the pronoun "you " as the subject of the verb forms used in various applications from both parties. Use, that of you as pronoun of respect, remained at a residual up more than half of the last century even in local dialects: the son turned to you with the father, mother, grandparents and elders of the house in the composition of the second person plural verb is used, however, both speakers : From Jesus to you have turned to their mother, but also by her, who knew his supernatural greatness of his own Son, honors him even through the choice of language.

Prayer I had known, but his knowledge was incomplete and rough in parts, almost a kind of nebula that was lost in the remoteness of memories. The reconstructed it, however, based on reminiscences her grandparents, Adriana Cavalieri, who has written down and handed it to me for publication. Then, just at the beginning of this Holy Week, the call of prof. Primavori, who had read about " Studies lunigianesi " last year, has provided me with further news. The essay - almost unknown in some parts of the Lunigiana, especially in the valley - was very much alive in the mountains of Reggio Emilia, where "Dear my son " should be recited three times daily by the faithful throughout Holy Week . Another proof, if proof were the need, as the Apennines combined the populations living on its opposite sides.

My Dear Son, where you will be on Palm Sunday?

My Dearest Mother, Virgin Mary, the day will come triumphant Palm Sunday in Jerusalem.

My Dear Son, where you will be the day of Holy Monday?

My Dearest Mother, Virgin Mary, the day of Holy Monday I will be dressed as a knight.

My Dear Son, where you will be the day of the Holy Tuesday?

My Dearest Mother, Virgin Mary, the day of the Holy Tuesday I'll be dressed as a pilgrim.

My Dear Son, where you will be on Wednesday of Holy Week?

My Dearest Mother, Virgin Mary, on Wednesday of Holy Week will be sold for thirty pieces of silver.

My Dear Son, where you will be the day on Holy Thursday?

My Dearest Mother, Virgin Mary, the Holy Thursday I'll be judged by Pontius Pilate.

My Dear Son, where you will be the day of Good Friday?

My Dearest Mother, Virgin Mary, the Good Friday I'll be on the tree.

My Dear Son, where you will be the Sabbath day holy?

My Dearest Mother, Virgin Mary, the day of Holy Saturday will be below ground as the good wheat.

My Dear Son, where you will be on Sunday?

My Dearest Mother, Virgin Mary, on Sunday I'll be in heaven, on earth and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

All those who recite this holy prayer and my sins that had more leaves on the ground and fish in the sea I want to save them and with them also four of their families.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Why Do My Gums Feel Swollen

's population in 1841 Valdantena

E 'possible to identify with certainty the size of population of the parish to Valdantena April 30, 1841, the date on which it applies the "rule of souls " that the then parish priest, Don Romualdo Bernardoni , was drafted with great care.
The specific registry, stored in the archives transferred for reasons of expediency at the offices of the diocesan curia of Pontremoli, gives an account of a population consisting of 671 units divided into divided into 116 families .
I surnames present (the number in parentheses after each of them identifies families with the same last name) to date are Aloisi (1), Armanet (1), Barbieri (2), Badini (3), Bernardoni (5), Beccari (1), Biondi (7), Bugari (1), Caffoni (4), Caffoni Botti (3), Caffoni Barattini (1), Cate (1), Cavaliers (2), Cecchini (1 ) Chistoni (4), Compiani (2), Farchioni (1), Farfarana (3), Fornari (1), Gaulli (5), Gaulli Botti (1), Larini (2), Laurent (2), Lazzaroni ( 1), Lisoni (5), Loyola (1), Mazzoni (1), Micheloni (1), Goldsmiths (3), PASQUALET (3), pedret (1), Pedretti (2), Perini (4), Perini Tavarone (3), Piagneri (2), Piagneri Camisani (1), Piagneri Seratti (1), Pometti (8), Ravera (1 ), Rossi (1), Sartori (2), Sartori Galletti (1), Scacalossi (3), gases (2), Steghezzi (1), Tavarone (5), Tonelli (2), Tosi (1), Ogier ( 1), Verona (1), Zani (6).
is not, however, possible to know the exact population of the specific localities of the parish. Only for some families, in fact, the Don Bernardoni indicating the country in which they live. We know only that Gaulli living in or Groppodalosio Casalina, that Gaulli Botti are Casalina, which you can find in Lisoni foresaw, to Casalina, a sealer and Toplecca, that pedret are Toplecca while Pedretti a sealer, that Perini Tavarone are Casalina that some families of Pometti are definitely a sealer (not shown anything other), that Serrati are at or Piagna Versolato.
L ' average age of the population is relatively young: it is located, In fact, between 27 and 28 years, with a clear predominance of young people under the age of 20 years (almost 45%). Only an individual is within the range 81-90 and no more than 90 years of age. (suddifisione The graph shows the population by age group).
The distinction by sex sees females (52.07%) little about the prevalence of males (47.93%).
Regarding the
marital status, among ultradiciottenni, the 48.74% were married, 38.44% are unmarried, the 10.55% are widowed. The remaining 2.26% is made up of priests or clerics.
As for professions, the vast majority is made up of agricultural workers (some "workers to own property," other "settlers." There are also some laborers or day laborers (12), a Carpenter, two innkeepers, two shoemakers (the first of which defined "lack of industry" and the second under protection for excessive prodigality), four tailors (one of which defined poor), three corporals, "or" foreman "furnace (ie can handle a furnace for the production of lime), a "vagabond" a "master builder", a magnet (ie a tinker, but even he described as "a little industry"), a woodcutter. They are also a number of people placed at the service of other families: they are generally of boys and girls under the age of 16. The percentage of families defined poor is very high (which approximates to 50%).

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Bought A Car Can I Return It Uk

A class is a bit 'large .......

We Versolato, in the years around 1920. The photograph shows a class of primary school teacher at the center, surrounded by his students, well 57, all boys and Toplecca Versolato fractions. The dating of the photograph is made possible by the presence of two, the first left at the bottom and the first, always to the left of the fourth row. This is John Piagneri Lisoni and Alfredo, who will die a few years later, August 2, 1927, in Logarghena, along with two friends - two others were seriously wounded - a bullet to the outbreak there remained unexploded after some military exercises. At the time of their death Alfredo Lisoni was sixteen and John Piagneri fourteen.
Among the many children, in addition to the two already mentioned, some are recognizable: Peter and Rino Serati, Umberto Zani, Amedeo Pasqualetti, Cletus, Francis Sabina, Angelica and Maria Piagneri, Maria Lison, Gaulli Ada, Emma and Louis Piagneri Serati, Albina, and Amelia Bertocchi, Gelsomina Farfarana, Lisoni Mario, Angelo Caffoni.
are some interesting details, including nailing the shoes prominently made by girls and children in the front row, the style of clothes (there are three girls - one in the first, the other in the second and last in third row - wearing clothes made with the same fabric), the diversity of age (it was definitely a multi-classes (first, second and third grade), but should be added that in those years were not just those who repeated classes in primary since that time the school was what was left from farm work, from which no one in the family, could be exempted.
last remark: the number of children was certainly high, but the law allowed up to one hundred students classes ...