Tuesday, January 2, 2007

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A class is a bit 'large .......

We Versolato, in the years around 1920. The photograph shows a class of primary school teacher at the center, surrounded by his students, well 57, all boys and Toplecca Versolato fractions. The dating of the photograph is made possible by the presence of two, the first left at the bottom and the first, always to the left of the fourth row. This is John Piagneri Lisoni and Alfredo, who will die a few years later, August 2, 1927, in Logarghena, along with two friends - two others were seriously wounded - a bullet to the outbreak there remained unexploded after some military exercises. At the time of their death Alfredo Lisoni was sixteen and John Piagneri fourteen.
Among the many children, in addition to the two already mentioned, some are recognizable: Peter and Rino Serati, Umberto Zani, Amedeo Pasqualetti, Cletus, Francis Sabina, Angelica and Maria Piagneri, Maria Lison, Gaulli Ada, Emma and Louis Piagneri Serati, Albina, and Amelia Bertocchi, Gelsomina Farfarana, Lisoni Mario, Angelo Caffoni.
are some interesting details, including nailing the shoes prominently made by girls and children in the front row, the style of clothes (there are three girls - one in the first, the other in the second and last in third row - wearing clothes made with the same fabric), the diversity of age (it was definitely a multi-classes (first, second and third grade), but should be added that in those years were not just those who repeated classes in primary since that time the school was what was left from farm work, from which no one in the family, could be exempted.
last remark: the number of children was certainly high, but the law allowed up to one hundred students classes ...