Sunday, January 27, 2008

Build My Own Fireplace Mantel

BET ON 21 - 27 January 2008

reference week
January 21 to 27

1978 years yeast: it is the prehistoric era of the 80s. Created many new things then drag while turning, even in subsequent years, not only in music.

begin to change some ways of being, to place themselves in society. It also begins a time when it becomes more and more 'evident desire for transgression, even if exposed in a very hidden, but never explicitly. It 's time because of people like Amanda Lear, Renato Zero and Cristiano Malgioglio that arouse curiosity or morbid songs such as Stupid that becomes an icon of those who, in 1978, one could call the most MOST IT' "different" even if you already scandalously.

In terms of costume, is still the dominant television, that still does not transmit in all the 24 hours, was waiting for the transmission of our main aims which were followed by a number of viewers who stood at around 25 million evening (hours numbers now become unthinkable).

It is estimated that on average, was born in 1978 in Italy a new radio day. Very many radio stations that now clog the frequency modulations in the country. Both the Pooh also make it a topic of their song (Live in the wind). There are stations of all kinds, regional, city, neighborhood, parish, oratorio, schools, improvised although there are those with true entrepreneurial spirit that can claim some organization that will lead them to expand and then survive the natural selection occurred over the years thereafter.
fanciful, bordering on the ridiculous, are also the names of these radios, which often gave a touch of Anglophones. The newspapers of the names reported as Social Centre Stadera Rebeide Radio, Radio Freeway West, Radio Freedom Pioltello 2. Groane Intersound Limbiate, Radio Corporation Northern Italy, Leno Supersound Radio, Radio Mirror 12 high school, just to mention some of the most 'cute. But
around all these new radio comes the hunting of the adhesive that every radio station for advertising and printed it became a real collector's item.

By the way forward is still not all in stereo. And not everyone in the house we still have a radio frequency modulation. Therefore, the possibility to listen to the music program is through the mire of private TV connected to the same radio and transmitting in limited hours during other times as a filler transmit the same radio programming
But we have not forgotten about all of the first Italian private radio: Radio Milano International.


Even on television major changes, which, perhaps to counter the advent of private TV stations, making it more transgressive indulging in things not seen and heard before, such as bad language or explicit nude show in early evening.

On 21 January at 20.40 Rete1 on the last episode of WE NO, another of the great variety of torque-Mondaini Vianello always built on the basis of the formula already consolidated apologies and apologies again (pretending to be in a recording and showing to the public behind the scenes than in other programs verebbero cut) but here we add the contrast color / black and white. Rai began broadcasting in color by little, and Viana do not agree to this innovation created just for glitter and sequins, so he decided to dissociate itself from the wife, bring up, within the program itself committed to a Cabaret Brecht, still in black and white. And this conflict is articulated throughout the program's structure. Among other historians portagonisti "companions" of the couple: the head claque Enzo Liberti, the assistant Tonino Micheluzzi and the bartender Rai Massimo Giuliani.
A show that, as with the modern eye, is, for the times, one step ahead. Unforgettable is the symbol of Vianello-Tarzan

Muppet Show
Italy Arrives in the show of puppets, one of the most import programs that 'fascinates us, from the initials and the jingle of contour. We remember Kermit the frog host, and the two older audience with a malice for all.

Who, as we in the border area, has the possibility to follow the Swiss television, he always manages to marvel at their drawings of the lot (at least twenty years ahead compared to Italy) we are always fascinated by that wheel electronics that extracts the numbered balls with the help of a breath of air, but even more 'in front of the horrified cd complementary number (the bonus number ed.). But the program more 'is always expected, "Forecast" container cartoons.
Still great success for Conrad in his weekly Sunday Interviewer .. that can keep all glued to the feast day an average of ten million viewers.
1978 was a year but unfortunately the undesirable Valletta Patricia June - singing one of the symbols of the program and to allow it to replace Dora Moroni to participate in the Sanremo Festival, died prematurely for an incurable disease. Then in the summer Dora Moroni, the same Conrad, will suffer a devastating car accident.

Since the reform of RAI in 1976 the leaders decide the competition between networks so on Network 2 on Sunday was the alternative of last Sunday.
certainly a phenomenon, but the public that the following is a tight enough: if we consider the large number of later joined by Conrad, the only two million - obviously referring to the 1978 numbers - are quite a few of Arbore.
It is also in this program that resurfaces the desire to expose the ambiguity but that until some time in the first TV was taboo ': it is the symbol of the Sisters flag with facts' in there.

It 's time of containers television, even for audiences' young: one on the Net every day at 17.00 THE TRAIN with a young Christian De Sica in the unlikely guise of the conductor, who offered interludes between the other board. On the other hand, the network 2 at 18.45 with Good evening ... Maria Giovanna Elmi, in which Tarzan and The Addams Family.

But on the Net 1 is still an eagerly awaited the show of 19.20 and in our own back FURIA reference week with the second set and a new symbol. And to follow the unforgettable ALMANAC OF THE DAY AFTER.

Among the many private television, was born and distinguishes the true alternative to Rai: ANTENNA 3 LOMBARDY which recently issued the first stirrings (03/11/1977) but he is already giving a hard time to state television, with big productions. Surely one of the local television of the most 'era also organized as a spread, since it covers much of the noise-free north-west of Italy. A broadcaster can win right now a huge part of the audience looking for something really different and television talking about. In fact, there are also catered for Tele Koper, while the have a diversion. Antenna 3 Lombardia But right now there is a professionalism that is unequaled perhaps in Italy until the birth of Channel 5.
A TV based and done by professionals already small screen: Renzo Villa (formerly TeleBiella creator of the first private Italian TV then immediately criticized at the time when the liberalization was not yet the case in fact) Enzo Tortora, Ettore Andenna.
One of the first successful broadcast is the BINGOOO Tombolone musical awards.

But apart from antenna 3, the local TV servive to give vent to all those instincts repressed by Rai, as also offering free programs disinibitamente talking about sex. But more attention is directed to the screening of films and strip shows that in the absence of regulatory and commercial interests in the name of Broadcasting at any time.

FILM: The film
published in January 1978:
Lover With Monica Vitti and Johnny Dorelli
Piedone Africa with Bud Spencer

Soccer earlier than Sunday, January 22, 1978 Juventus is in the head and behind her at -3 AC Milan, Vicenza and Turin.
January 22: Lanerossi Vicenza - Juventus 0-0 Torino took advantage of that, beating for 2 -1 Verona comes less than two cousins. AC Milan but is defeated 1-0 at home by Napoli.

accomplice, who moved its television programs in these boxes still in the game that you bought at most stationery or the Standa, given to us there were no large shopping centers.
boxes that all had one thing in common: the hourglass with the sand rose. Among the many include WORD and BET.

Great swarm of characters and news, so that not everyone is able to enter our ranks, such as Belfast Boney M, or YES SIR, I CAN BOOGIE of Baccara, emblems of Disco ' age; love lovers Malgioglio written by Mina, IT'S SO EASY Linda Rondstat.
also absent Queen, but it shows how different the charts than most of the songs' transmitted by radio. And in fact the leading positions of the charts stand out as symbols TV ISOTTA Pippo Franco and MY NAME IS POTATO Rita Pavone.

The event is still undergoing a period of crisis so that RAI gives him little room, only the live final on Saturday evening and without appendages or special. Still structured on three evenings, January 26 to 28, conducted by Beppe Grillo, Stefania Casini, Vittorio Salvetti organization. 14 singers from the names quite unknown, which debuted but then it will route over time as Laura Luca, Matia Bazar, with that win and say hello, Anna Oxa, runner-up with emotion and just Rino Gaetano, third with Gianna. Among the guests
Riccardo Cocciante, Asha Puthli, Village People, and Patty Pravo

Curious to see the rankings of the best 'ball of the year: mix of songs for dancing and other strictly defined "slow" and then scrolling the Only you meet hit, Crazy is not my love, Oxygene.