Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Strongest Antibiotic For Treating Sti Infections

A first look at Pracchiola

Pracchiola, part of the municipality of Pontremoli, is m. 672 meters above sea level, on the left of the Magra River, just above the place where this joined the waters of the Rio Boalenza , which descends from Mount Orsaro (d. 1831). Country characteristic rural architecture [1] , binds its history to the ancient road from Pontremoli, along the Arzengio - Toplecca Superior - Casalina - Groppodalosio - Pracchiola - Step Cirone of, connected with the Tuscany " Lombardia", ie the Po Valley.

Along the same street, just below the pass, to m. 984 meters above sea level, was a xenodochio, run by the Monks of Alton, in the area known today as " Ospedaletto " (" Sdalét " in local dialect), located in the ancient documents as "Hospital de Piellaburga " or " de Pitaborga " or "de Mallaticchia . Of this ancient structure still remains today very few, much altered over the centuries, testifying to the existence of a place of shelter place after the Scaleri (ie characterized by a steep climb steps to facilitate the rise of men and pack animals) and under Magresi (ie the source of the Magra) in a plain small, before the road climbs to the pass with a steep climb in the final stretch.

now reduced to a few dozen inhabitants [2] , following a massive flow of migrants, who led most of those who lived in seek better living conditions especially in the United States of America, country's population exceeded in the past, even the two hundred inhabitants (there were, according to Repetti [3] , 223 in 1833). The economy until very recent years has been based on subsistence agriculture (grazing, cultivation of chestnut and cereals or potatoes) and - as long as the path of Cirone has played a quite important part of economic between Emilia and Tuscany High - on activities related to the movement of people and goods along the road above.

the viability of these links may be indirect evidence as well as some place names, such as the numerous " caves Sarasin " or the names of some places that recall likely as barbaric settlements Borgognone and Marmagna , two peaks of which occupies the Pracchiola buttresses and whose names Pier Maria Conti goes back to the fallen and the subsequent establishment of Burgundioni and Marcomanni [4] .

further evidence of the indirect relationship with the road we drawn from the folk tradition, full of memories, confused, but indicative, of mourning, raids and disastrous epidemics caused by repeated passages of foreign troops, always eager to empty the basements and cellars of the poor while mountain terrified, anxious to find, in such contingencies , a safe haven for themselves and their belongings [5] . But far more direct and convincing information that you are the statutes of Pontremoli [6] with their prescriptions often related directly to both Via di Bosco or della Scala.

[1] So describes it, in 1966, John Bortolotti " is a typical old village, clinging to the mountains, built around a dirt road sottopassante houses with arches, from which branch off close Vivoli, hill houses with roofs of slate, almost buried amid the thick chestnut. The exposure of the country is not very happy, closed in the mountains, and a possible development that may not occur on the nearby ridge, NE, better exposed and broader view on Magra Valley " ( G. Bortolotti, Guide Apennine Parma and Lunigianese from the Cisa Pass Lagastrello , Bologna, 1966).

[2] On October 21, 2001, on the occasion of the 14th census, Pracchiola were counted 27 people, 14 males and 13 females, divided into 16 families . The buildings surveyed were 55 and housing 44. ( ISTAT, Resident population and dwellings in the Italian provinces. 14th General Census of Population and Housing - Massa Carrara , Rome, 2005)

[3] E. Repetti, Dictionary Physical Geography of Tuscany, Florence, 1841 (Vol IV)

[4] PM Conti, Luni Upper Middle Evo , Padova, 1967, pp. 59-60

[5] The old Pracchiola handed down, with a sense of secret fear, the passage of poorly identified Alemán, who had ransacked the country and different requirement of cattle. Traditions are very vague, but a lived reality and respect felt by those people.

[6] Statutes Pontremoli, Parma, 1571.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Beauty Therapist Cv Example

CLUB80 In this Easter season and its surroundings, take a little 'holiday, but there is just no way.
Pending new episode scheduled for April 7 in the interim will again present the best programs in recent months:

MONDAY, March 24, 2008

8.00 1981 reference week March 3 to 9 (see) >>> LISTEN LIVE

10.00 1979 reference week March 17 to 23 (see ) >>> > LISTEN LIVE

12.00 am 1983 reference week 28 / 1 - 3 / 2 (see) >>>>>>> LISTEN LIVE

21.00 1978 reference week 21 to 27 January (see ) >> > LISTEN LIVE

TUESDAY 25 - THURSDAY 27 - FRIDAY 28 - Saturday, March 29, 2008

7:30 am 1978 reference week 21 to 27 January (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

1983 at 19:05 reference week 28 / 1 - 3 / 2 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

WEDNESDAY, March 26, 2008

7:30 am 1978 reference week 21 to 27 January (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

10.00 1991 reference week February 4 to 10 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

1983 at 19:05 reference week 28 / 1 - 3 / 2 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

Sunday, March 30, 2008

15.00 1990 reference week 25 / 2 - 3 / 3 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

MONDAY March 31, 2008

7.30 1980 reference week February 18 to 24 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

10.00 1986 reference week February 11 to 17 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

1981 at 19:05 reference week March 3 to 9 ( see the ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

a TUESDAY - THURSDAY 3 - Friday 4 - Saturday, April 5, 2008

7.30 1980 reference week 18 - February 24 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

1981 at 19:05 reference week March 3 to 9 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

WEDNESDAY, April 2, 2008

7.30 1980 reference week February 18 to 24 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

10.00 1982 reference week March 10 to 16 ( see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

1981 at 19:05 reference week March 3 to 9 (see ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

Sunday, April 6, 2008

15.00 1979 reference week April 17 to 23 (See ) >>> LISTEN LIVE

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cervical Mucus Before Menstruation When Pregnant

who remembered these countries ....

This post is a work in progress, in which, from time to time , updates via later, I will propose AlCu ni references, with a brief summary of the topics covered in the texts, still relevant to the area of \u200b\u200binterest of this blog. Today is the vers ion "eight (April 23, 2008).

Campi, Antonio, Historical memories of the City of Pontremoli, Pontremoli , 1975

Bernardino Campi (1656 - 1716) was a Pontremoli reporters of major importance. His " Memoria Historica Pontremoli " is certainly one of the most interesting for the reconstruction of local history, that the reporter, particularly in the centuries after the fourteenth century, is often readily fit into the broader context of events national and international. The field, in the early chapters gives credence to the legend of Apua, does not shy away from the habit of the ancient chroniclers, such that the antiquity of the origins of a city he decreed the value and nobility. Therefore, much anticipated first events of an alleged history Pontremoli, giving dignity apparent historical facts by him referred to the first centuries of the Christian Era, incurring, consequently, in errors that may now seem almost childish. Quite different, however, is the historical depth of the news that he brings us to proceed with the narrative, when the events are more reliable and notations related to the political and administrative history of the area if they associate with many others, we give an account of steps of the military, epidemics, famines, earthquakes, weather events intended to mark the life of the population. Is significant, in fact, the attention that the cappuccino Pontremoli gives the events of ordinary people that are suffering or in a more direct benefits from the decreased hosts, often hosted in countries of the region. There are frequent mentions of events that directly affected the villages of the Magra basin, often related to traffic (Cirone and Cisa) and relations between Tuscany and " Lombardia." The book is the printed edition, edited by Mauro Luciano Bertocchi, Diana Bianchi and Nicola Zucchi Castellini, owned by the family of the manuscript Zucchi Castellini, integrated with additions and variants derived from the manuscript "Bocconi" preserved in the Library of the Episcopal Seminary of Pontremoli .

Cavalli, Ennio, The oldest manuscript of the visits Pastoral of the Diocese of Luni , in Newspaper Town and Lands of Lunigiana Lucense , NS, XVIII-XX years, 1967-1969

The publication, which appeared in three consecutive volumes of the Journal International Institute of Ligurian Studies in the years 1967-1969, suggests the document summary and transcription of paper book, held at the Episcopal Seminary of Lunense Sarzana, containing a description of the diocese of Luni at the pastoral visit of Cardinal Benedetto Lomellini Bishop Luni from September 1565 to March 1572. After a detailed description (the files, the watermark, the various hands that have completed the "cards" refer to the individual parishes and assumptions related to the description of the diocese in the aftermath of the Council of Trent) of the 234 cards that make up the volume, the author offers a brief biography of Cardinal Lomellini and analysis methodologies suggesting that the visit was accomplished. Following the accurate transcription of the cards. Regarding the area of \u200b\u200bour interest are the results of the proposed visit of the parishes of Montelungo (May 14, 1568: Rector of Don Pedro Travaglino that " life, customs and dress them we remained well satisfied " ) Gravagna (Always visited May 14, whose " Capel and Don Marco Ugerio " and where "the wooden cross very nice, but the vestry" ill-conditioned "and the cemetery" would carry "), Cavezzana of Antena and Cargalla (then still joined by Pastor Don Orsino Vico and the structure of churches and sacred vessels to be placed), Valdantena (rector Don Silvestro Ugerii , with side altars under the patronage "of them Scacalosso "and the cemeteries for which had to be done within two months of the" menagerie " because some are open ") and Pracchiola (visited May 15, directed by Don " Francis Leson by Topelicca "church where" there tenghino the holy sacrament of the Eucharist to be poor ).

Diaferia, Mark, 1943 - 1945: Pontremoli, an Italian diocese of Tuscany, Liguria and Emilia parish history through books, Pontremoli, 1995

The author conducted a valuable survey, which led him to check the history books of the parishes in the Diocese of Pontremoli then to trace, through the study of direct sources, a wide panorama the effects of World War II in Lunigiana, in particular the period between the armistice of 8 September 1943 and made German army disc. Through the story that the priests have left books on history, facts, proposed in their immediacy or reconstructed after the event, immediately after the end of hostilities, it is possible to grasp not only the unfolding of events, but also the position of the individual against priests of fascism, German occupation and the partisans. In the foreground are, and always the people, of which the pastors feel they are part and while driving, supported in this difficult path, and words from the example of Bishop Joseph Sismondo, whose figure is always present at least in the background, in all narratives. With regard to the upper valley of the Magra, reference should be made to the Vicariate of Montelungo and, specifically, to the narratives contained in the Book History of the Parish of St. Lorenzo Martire of Cargalla (written by Don Paolo Necchi), in Liber Chronucus of Gravagna S. Rocco (edited by Don Carlo Paolini) and in The Book of Chronicus Valdantena (written by Don Giuseppe Gaverina). Through the three books can be drawn extensive news about the events that happened throughout the territory, where the Nazi-Fascist occupation period was experienced by people with serious concerns, or because the area was crossed by important routes for the passage of armies, either by the presence of partisan groups. Additional information can then be drawn from reading the history books of the other parishes of the diocese, priests lines originating from the Upper Valley of Magra, or at least, there are widely known for having carried out their pastoral service (in particular the tragic deaths of Don Alberto Battilocchi and Don Michael Rabino).

Franks, James - Lallai, Mariano, From Luni in Massa Carrara - Pontremoli , Modena - Massa, 2000

This is powerful work, now completed only the first part, but already significant in three volumes, of which the third index. The authors have set out to trace the history that led from the ancient diocese of Luni to the current division of the ecclesiastical province of Massa Carrara and La Spezia, and certain areas (that of the Garfagnana, in particular) outside these provinces, but they united for several centuries to religious history. The first volume, after a brief definition of the borders of the ancient Diocese and a quick overview on Viceno de that led to the current situation offers an extensive chapter devoted to biographies of the bishops of Luni, Luni - Sarzana, Luni - Sarzana - Ashlar, Luni, ie La Spezia - Sarzana, La Spezia and Sarzana, and finally, La Spezia - Sarzana - Ashlar, S. Basil Bassano Staffieri, until a few weeks ago the Bishop of the Diocese of Liguria. It follows, then, an extensive presentation of the state's oldest, when the territory was divided by referring to the churches and their dependencies, but not forgetting parishes, monasteries and other ecclesiastical entities Xenodochio employees or directly from Bishop. The second volume presents, however, the situation of the diocese in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, when the churches are replaced Vicariates, perm reaching its present position. The work, which, in some respects, incorporates and expands that, basic, Geo Pistarino (The parishes of the Diocese of Luni), is accompanied by summary tables, by an extensive bibliography, a rich array of notes. As regards the territory of the Valle del Magra gives us a significant amount of information of great interest, offering the ability to track, in broad outline, the history of the religious settlements in the area ranging from a Montelungo Cavezzana of Antena Cargalla and (for many years together), to Gravagna to Valdantena and Pracchiola, with references to hospitals Piellaburga of Cerreto Grosso and more famous, Montelungo without neglecting the many speakers in the past and now mostly disappeared.

Stopani, Renato, Way Francigena , Florence, 2007

The work, now in its seventh reprint, is an interesting essay on the ancient route along the Lunigiana also , linking Rome and Italy continental Europe. A road used by pilgrims, merchants and armies, and had in Monte Bardone (ie the current step of the Cisa) one of vital issues. The reading of the work allows those who have specific knowledge of the area, its roads and its history, to place them correctly in context, the broader communications and European events. References to Magra Valley and, specifically in Pontremoli, the Passo della Cisa, in Montelungo, are frequent, a sign of how those places, now partly cut off from major thoroughfares, were to Throughout the Middle Ages (and for centuries to come) missed by those of the Po Valley Center-West (ie, the " Lombardia ") wanted to go to Tuscany, and from here, head for Rome. Certainly important and appreciated also the apparatus of notes, full of references to documents and authors, and tables, which allow a graphical view of the whole of a road system, however, survived until the beginning of the century. XX.

Romiti, Henry , Conte Grande third class,

It 's a book of 116 pages, whose author , immigrated to Uruguay today, comes from Cargalla. Interesting suggestions for remembrance, for language (often the words that refer to the dial tto left the country in 1935), for sense of belonging to Italy and the Lunigiana that oozes from any text (a mixture of prose and verse), along with the pride of those who started with the cardboard suitcase, with the sacrifice pe rsonale, led the way (this, Romiti also writes " a tribute to Uruguay, for without his High School Night and without his free public higher education "the book " could not have been written in either Italian or English ). Interesting chapters dedicated to the figure of Don Paolo Necchi ( I'm not sure, because Don Paolo was certainly smarter than me, but I think I am not mistaken if I say that this morning, Cargalla, a priest and a boy mourned together "), upon arrival in South American Ground October 25, 1935, the nostalgia of popular songs, to return as a tourist and a Molinello Cargalla (and the finding of" many things that were no longer as first "), sincere attention to the culture and history of an Italy of course replaced by a new country, but very present and alive in the depths Author.

rates. Mino, Pages Pontremoli, Pontremoli, sd,

The work is hard pressed today found in his completeness, was published in the late fifties and the beginning of the sixties of last century at the Printing Artigianelli Pontremoli and is divided into three volumes. The first is the period between July and October 1943, the second narrates the events of October 1943 to July 1944 and the third, the most full-bodied, goes from August 1944 to April 1945, ie at the end of World War II. The author, who was one of the commanders who were active partisans in the Upper Lunigiana (was active under the pseudonym Bixio, as part of the Brigades of the Division Beretta Cisa) offers a personal diary, narrating in first person made and circumstances which, together with others, the saw the first star of the opposition to fascism, and thus the resistance. In particular, the third volume is more attractive for local references, being " Bixio " displaced Casalina with his family. Frequent, then, references to the partisan struggle and the lives of people in the territory of Valdantena, Pracchiola, Cargalla, Gravagna, Montelungo and along the roads and Cisa Cirone. The work, when it was published, aroused many controversies, so that the rate was forced to withdraw from the libraries and to draw up abridged edition in one volume. They were, as of the publication, the years when they were still open and festering the wounds of the struggle not only between fascists and partisans on one side and Germany and other allies, but also among different partisan and sometimes within the same band. The narrative that the A. presents the facts, often peppered with a fair dose of rhetoric, gives, however, the sense of a strong commitment that the state was being fought in the First World War and fascism convinced from very difficult times. A painting by hand, then, but that adds interesting and important anchors the news from other sources that we have a very hard time for Valdantena area and that should be rewritten before too many witnesses have to be lost forever.

Vecchi, Eliana M., A collectio in the Diocese of Luni and an unprecedented Valuation fourteenth century, in Newspaper History of the Lunigiana and Territory Lucense , NS, XLIX years - LI (1998-2000)

The article, in the appendix, offers a transcript of a paper log kept in the Chapter Lunense of which are mentioned in Sarzana parishes Pracchiola and Valdantena (identified as Chapel Fraese ) and Hospital of Malatia and Piellaborga and Cerreto Grosso . And, so, you can find more information on the territory of our interest, as it refers to Collecta issued December 21, 1346 by Pope Clement VI and promoted in Tuscia (The region to which reference was made at the time the Diocese of Luni). The parishes and Hospital such as the Rector of Pracchiola are reported because they are still partly or totally insolvent. Of course, being given only the defaults, you can get news on the other parishes and / or ecclesial realities of the territory, which, while existing, or could have fulfilled all the tithe, or be classified among the institutions that are exempt. Note the recurrence, including the arrears, the rectors of the Hospitals of Malatia and Piellaborga , which should be the same. Interestingly, in particular, the inclusion in a broader historical context of the estimator century, offering a wide and detailed description of the organization of the Diocese of Luni, the methods of collecting tithes and issues related to the outcome of the same in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

Zucchi Castellini, Nicola , Pontremoli from its origins to the Unity of Italy, Pontremoli, 1976

Although few direct references to 'area of \u200b\u200bspecial interest in this sit or, it is a work whose access is necessary for anyone interested in local history and Lunigiana Pontremoli. The author proposes a digression at the same time agile and full of news about the events Pontremoli, focusing in particular on the period following the Treaty of Giovanni Sforza, whose Memories and documents to serve the story of Pontremoli is interrupted with the end the fifteenth century. Published on the twentieth anniversary of the Friends of the bell "in Milan, the work of Zucchi Castellini has the merit of framing the story in the big local story. And so there are frequent references to important people, to kings, popes, leaders (those who, so to speak, are widely cited in history books), a sign of how the Val di Magra has been central to national and European events of the past. And so these great characters we can imagine them, with their armies, their processions along the streets of Valdantena of Gravagna of Montelungo, as did the pilgrims, merchants, " cavaleri " seekers of knowledge that moved along all routes that match lunigianese secular ViaFrancigena "or" Romea "if you prefer.