Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Belly-flopping From A Heigh 12 M Into Water

Between the sun and wind

More than six months do not touch the rock. Commitments, the long winter and injuries have forced us to a long pause. It is a month later, that due to a heavy stiff neck and a general fatigue, thanks to Matilda that always makes us sleep so much or that are not even able to train in Taekwon do. Today, despite everything, I take: using the first day of spring sunshine, I'm with Fred (aka Manara) Gemona for climbing. Dario is still recovering from the operation in the back, but soon will be back with us. At 16 we are climbing. Towards the plain is overcast, but the sun light and warmth from the west wall, beaten by an annoying wind, as often happens in these parts. Here are some people, but the walls are free of interest to us. No hurry we prepare, we awaken the slumbering chord from its long hibernation, wear harnesses and tight narrow shoes, check seals, and the nodes are ready. I birth on the second easiest. The feet are moving well, my head is light and quiet, while the body and tied, weighed down and tired. The wind does not help, sweep my long hair and annoys the rise. Arriving at the top of the camera to assure a spit, with a small stand attached to a carabiner, and launch a video shot for the rise of the Faith. Manar is now in great shape, perhaps for the turbulent morning for work, perhaps because of its brilliant fit, able to reach the end of the road, overcoming a difficult transition for him always. Unfortunately, the video, which is limited in a machine so small, shows only the first steps of his climb. Now it's my turn again. To the third because of low wall. I move again without fear, but not fluently and I can not enjoy myself as I want. A half via a strange movement causes me a pain in the chest, I fear, given recent experience, but luckily it's nothing serious. Going to turn away, Manara again demonstrates the determination and serenity, but its audacity it must come to terms with the difficulty of the road that leads him to retreat. From there I just continued to climb. By now the sun went down behind a mountain. The lights are hotter first and then more faintly, the wind is silent. I decide to do one more climb. After getting stuck in an involuntary departure twisted position, super speed the way, especially having fun in the middle, where I can imagine a chain of movements that gives me a bit 'satisfaction. After photographing a beautiful yellow flower that is included with the chain at the end of the street, get out and enjoy the scenery. Still calmly, after calling Ilaria who is training in the gym happily, we put away all equipment and, speaking of dreams and nightmares, we return home. Antagonists, sun and wind, have characterized this afternoon, a sign of a breakthrough time, as well as my emotions in conflict: on one hand the excitement of the preparations and departure, and secondly the general dissatisfaction, disappointment of a 'expectation betrayed. Not having to start all the rage all over again, not the joy of the beautiful day, but only a neutral satisfaction. I crawl between these thoughts while I toast my penultimate day with beer (pilsner No.7) and discovering the signs of fatigue in this background, due to two precarious years of sleep and time intensive, which makes me listless and without energy a month. I hope that winter will take away the energies of old and tired and that spring will bring a fresh and vigorous.