Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lyme Optical Migraine

Opening Lambertenghi

nine o'clock, after a pleasant journey by car an hour and a half, we leave the hut and continue on foot Tolazzi to the Refuge Lambertenghi Romanin.
The day is beautiful, the sun is shining and the air is crisp. The team of hikers today is larger than usual. The group, made up of Cynthia, Fred and I were joined by Robert and John also. The company is now happy and friendly does not feel the fatigue, so we choose the fastest, but steep trail that leaves the road cut into the woods to our right. During the climb we talk a lot and share experiences and interests, so step by step, word by word, passed one last tongue of snow in a couple of hours we are at the shelter. After greeting his wife and Gianpiero, transmission Lambertenghi today inaugurate the season, we continue towards the lake Volaia for another ride before returning here to enjoy the set menu of the day (first, second and drink for only € 10.00 ). Going
crossed the old trenches, So take advantage of Roberto, passionate about the Great War, for us to tell the story of these places. The landscape is beautiful, the most spettacoltari Carnia. The lake, surrounded by high peaks is largely covered by the last ice floes. A tongue of snow down the steep north face of the "Top Lastrons the lake and flows into the lake. John After intensive research and great satisfaction is the hideout of a box that some lovers of treasure hunting with GPS has hidden. Before climbing up a hill behind the hut we see an avalanche in Austria with a terrible noise that almost falls into the lake. We then explain that Gianni breaks the ice and rocks, and holds together until the thaw, when they fall freely toward the abyss.
Eventually, after exploring a gallery of the first war and had found some relics, hungry back to the shelter. The lunch was soon served: pasta with meat sauce, sausage and polenta cakes depending on your preference, wine, water and clamps offer a toast to the new season. Lunch in glee, warmed by the stove scopiettante and kind and friendly hospitality of the two operators. Gianpiero tells us of the bad winter alpine this year has cost the lives of many climbers, among them his friend and explains the rescue maneuvers in case of an avalanche. Roberto, I discover that you have followed the course of music by my own dreaded teacher, try in vain to give the guitar the shelter, without a rope and the other consumed by the long stay in the cold, so we can not hear him play. We intend to bring back next time.
goes out to the afternoon sun that warms the bones. But time passes and it's time to go home, at least for me, John and Robert. Frederick and Cynthia, who accompanied us for a long time, remain to sleep here. After the greetings, the trio proceeds downstream. Come on down to enthusiasm to see a hiker with a tenacity exemplary despite a physical limit which makes it difficult to carry by myself walking slowly but with determination, perseverance and passion.
The fatigue is felt heaviness in the legs and in the lightness of heart and head. They will be accompanied by John gps to guide us along the path of the morning. We continue to talk all the way to photography, history, archeology, and anything else children. John arrived the car radio salute the lucky vacationers happy and tired mountain and take the road home. A pretty busy day, spent in good company, spending in the mountains, the sun and fresh air. In the evening, as usual, I let myself go to sleep, talking to my little Mati, who falls asleep on his dad's adventures in the Alps.