Saturday, April 17, 2010

Npr Org Player Mediaplayer

In a window of good weather in the afternoon this Saturday we are going to climb. The selected object is always the cliff Gemona, crowded at this time, but close to home and our current possibilities. After a barley coffee (too "Yin" coffee would affect our already precarious balance) part accompanied by notes of ACDC, the last purchase of his uncle. The temperature is good and we arrived at the cliff a go-ahead from where we begin. Among the crowd as Gianni, despite the winter break, is in great shape. After the way and bypassed some climbers hung a simulation staging Alpine I go down and leave room for Dario returning today for the first time on the rock after the operation. Still has not recovered completely, it will take time, but will return to move as slowly and more than before. In fact, climbs well and quietly than the ascent. Only after having climbed the third way begins to melt, linking together a series of movements that I saved twice by repeating the same climb. So I can have fun and find the urge to climb on the last road to the gym, then 5c always very challenging for me. Encouraged by his uncle Dario birth. After I stopped on the spit above it to find energy and concentration, the supero key step and go on. On the final part of the route begins to turn around a little 'head and I do not shine because of the sleep debt that this week was made even heavier because of the cold of my heart Matilda, so I have to work hard to not lose focus. We conclude by climbing up the second "crostutis" following advice from a guy in that we host on our rope. After a day I feel the relaxation of fatigue on the arms and shoulders, the slight pleasure of a day of outdoor climbing over me. The fingers are sore and covered with magnesite lives. Let's go home happy to celebrate with the number 8, the last and most bitter beer of my production.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Have A White Bump Above My Tooth

Off topic

After the unsuccessful attempt yesterday to go to climb, because bad weather dl, despite the efforts of Darius, who had immediately accepted the proposal, despite returning the same from a long ride, today I went biking in Palmanova, down a little frequented by traffic, except for some piece of state route for navigation errors. The wind and rain have tried in vain to spoil the ride, largely under the sun, surrounded by villages that had never seen, and fun meetings. Tonight I feel the pain and fatigue on the legs with saddle within 51 km of road in two hours.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Voyager Xl Rooftop Carrier Instructions

Symphony Spring

Because of the rain the design of a day in the mountains is blurred and so too a afternoon of climbing. The window of good weather which opens this afternoon, however, convinces me of holidays and the tireless uncle Dario a walk in the valleys of Natisone. The route is suggested by him is a road closed to traffic from a town I can not remember the name. We start late and only around at 17 we are traveling. Darius is fascinated by the little river that runs under the road and so decided to try fishing. Just in the deep pool below the waterfall seems nascodersi a prize, the fisherman then choose the appropriate bait, fill out a license, but luck smiles at the little fish because Darius has forgotten the barrel at home! Laughing to go back to our taste. The landscape is interesting, the road runs along the river fed by many streams that descend from the forest. Here and there traces of old abandoned buildings and ruins, including an old moss-covered bridge. Walking leads to open to the world and to others. The sound of a chainsaw anticipates the meeting with a lumberjack. We take an opportunity to exchange a few words and get to know aspects of his work and a bit 'in its history. Tells us about his country orgine in war, as people who had shared everything in peace and become enemies of how violence changes their life in an unexpected way and with a relentless drive that, inexplicably, check him until the brother convinces him to leave. With regards resumed our march towards a not very clear goal. Above us, affected by the sun, we see the peaks of Kolovrat and some villages under it. We plan to reach them, but soon the road turns elsewhere and begin to fall as we continue enjoying the sun still warms the wood, the scent of its colors. We are very fortunate because we can see five deer fleeing down in the woods. It must be a very busy area of \u200b\u200bthis animal that we saw the remains of an unfortunate example devoured by some other wild inhabitant of these woods. Continuing to walk and chat to cross a road had come from here we can surely reach the villages, but time is short and Dario is already late for her date for dinner with the family. We descend quickly to the car. The silence of the forest is wonderful and we are immersed in the symphony of birds singing all around us at night and getting ready to spring. We are literally surrounded and sounds that come from all parts make us feel the depth of these spaces. Now we are at the machine, the noise of the waterfalls is strong, like the smell good and clean air. Surrounded by black peaks of the mountains silhouetted against the bright blue of the sky, following a bright star that stands out against the sunset, we go home.