Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Green Greenuncensored Anime


uncertain times, so Dario has accepted my proposal to go climbing in Gemona. At 17 we are already on the wall where we cross Gianni with his friend. Warm us on easy street, where I now find myself in an unusual difficulty: they are very slow, legato and insecure. Will for pains in the heel and wrist, it will be for the recent lack of physical activity, mah! will what will be but I can not climb. The feeling continues in the streets later, I move only in the latter with a more decided. The day has at least a good rhythm, that of the holidays without that feeling that makes you run and get things done quickly and without being able to enjoy fully. Dario climbs well and with confidence. On the penultimate away unable to move beyond just a very comfortable position that he had "wrapped". Better than we do a huge black beetle, which moves fast and comfortable on the wall. On his return toast with some of the last bottles of No 8.



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