Saturday, October 30, 2010

Joystick Wheelchair Hack

There's no 2 without 3: Towards

Roberta, my "cousin" is back for a weekend at home, so its desire to go climbing. At 10 and a half start from where I leave the house to see me pouting Ilaria and Matilda leave. Good part of my heart remains at home with her, but I hope all this make her grow in her curiosity and passion to share in the future with his dad. Towards the middle we are Gemona, the sun still kissing the rock, but the temperature is high, and miraculously no one: the whole cliff for us. Distribute the material and proceed with the dressing. Check that everything is in order and secure, melt the rope, knot and prepare the birth. After climbing Anduins I can read better the rock, I'm moving well, light, safe and capable of great fun. Then it's a Dario who eats in one bite, perhaps galvanized by the performance that gave her back in the game of football last night. He arrived Robert's turn. The shoes that I have given are too large, those of its extent, I have worked and still have not returned, but she still climbs safe, beating the wall with ease. There's other guys that follow us a very nice wheel while climbing in the sequence we proceed on the path of the field easy Gemona. Roberta take good photos, looking for unusual and inaccessible points of view. Meanwhile, the salt wind, but the sun is still behind the mountain and not see him heat the rock that we touch as time passes and we go home. I wanted to try my hand on the last, that 5c with a delicate step, but we expect sandwiches mortazza and the last two bottles of No. 7. Going meeting Gianni tells me that he had seen a short distance during a hike in the morning, a bear. Then multiply the signals, walking in the mountains is becoming more adventurous.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Is Red Zinger The Same As Red Raspberry Tea

Anduins following a 'intuition

recent lifting of hesitation, we decided to return after two years to climb Anduins. I am encouraged by the enthusiasm shown at last Gemona on a street unknown, but concerned by the difficulties that have other ways that we so unusual.
Contrary to the days of past week the weather is cloudy today. The wall is full of people, the easy way which usually warm us are busy and so we must start with "Ucelut, a fifth for us is always challenging. Parto quieter. Unfortunately I can not concatenate good steps, but even with a few stops with arms and they feel the effort, I can overcome them away, as does Dario. Unexpectedly, I can climb with a great peace of mind with the mind and clean body that moves in spurts but light.
not finding ways to free our reach down towards the parking area where I meet a boy she knew many years ago in a holiday in Croatia. As soon as you go down the free "Fraidomania" on which we are launching fast. Once again I decided to move, weighing each step in without hesitation and with good soddisafazione up the chain. Dario also climbs well and fails to address the street better than any other time. Time flies and it is already half. The basis of "Blue Moon" is occupied by the string of some who are talking in a little more. So I kindly ask their permission to precede them. By granting that presses behind confinement decided, but now I struggle with the difficulties of the road-safety applications that I have not. Dosing good balance on the feet to better exploit the uncomfortable hand grips that I find I can
"carabiner" and overcome the second jump of the rock. Just above begin to feel fatigue and weak hands Security proved them right. After a break to recuperate, having drawn the attention of Darius and dragging a bit 'on the rock beyond the end of the street guessing the concatenation of the sockets. I'm finally in the chain. Unfortunately, Dario can not prove why the push for climbers waiting their turn, forcing us to last and easy way ugly.
The day was full satisfaction and confirmed that the last time it was just a hunch Gemona: climb without too many expectations, but knowing how to put game on the new routes, other than the usual and close to our limits, is a good way to find new motivation and renewed enthusiasm. The muscles are gently
tired fingers aching, lungs and eyes full of autumn colors and scents. Crowned the morning with good salami sandwich and a beer out of print, extraordinary, we eat sitting on the rocks surrounded by nature. Even Roberta, we hear the phone from Rome, are the envy of a lot and expresses the desire to thundering on limestone next weekend, when it will be home for the weekend.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Torticollis In Infants Botox

A taste? It depends ...

Some readers have asked me if and when they will get a taste of the new version of the story "I'm going to live in Cuba."

Unfortunately I have to say that for the moment I can not meet this legitimate desire for a simple reason: the acceptance of the manuscript from a possible future publisher is subject to the fact that it is unpublished.

In other words, if you show just a few pages the publisher may refuse to publish the book.

Note that in the event I talked about possible future publisher ": at present, in fact, there is still no publisher with whom I have contracted anything. This is obvious since before finding a publisher must already have a completed manuscript.

However, even if I had already finished the manuscript and I had already submitted to some publishers do not necessarily someone This interest to publish my story and so you might as well be the case where should I go to so-called "autopubblicazione" (which would not be so bad, considering the unfair contracts that publishers often require that authors ...).

In this case, dear readers, I would have no problem to give you some taste of the new chapters .... not overdo it!

Image: Catherine Hadler /

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thornberry And Rugrats Game Free

mah? but!

The climbs are becoming increasingly rare, there is no time, opportunities and, sometimes, the desire, but today is a of those autumn days memorable, sunny, mild and saturated colors, which become a real attraction, a unique opportunity for an afternoon of climbing. All this is true not only for us, so when Dario, Luca and I come to Gemona, there is a daunting crowd: all the easy routes of the cliff top five are occupied by a course in rock, for each of them there are an insurer, a student and a queue of other aspiring climbers waiting for their turn. We begin then with one of the most low, dirty, strange, and I never liked it. To deal with I have to find a particular concentration to pick and choose the track to follow and coordinate every step and every movement. Thus achieving the chain weighing each step slowly but without hesitation, difficulty in finding a source of great encouragement.
Today is also a perfect day to take pictures, so I'm delighted with the lovely Panasonic Luke, given that Olympus has a problem with the memory card. Luca
salt courageously with a harness eighties he claims to have bought less than a decade ago. Return now to climb after years, but moves well and exceeds the streets with peace of mind. Dario, despite the hearty lunch with donors of blood, burn the steps with his usual energy.
Thankfully is liberated in a way I prefer, so we run to occupy our square meter. Here I have fun, I'm easy and I can climb with a nice pace, use your feet carefully and gently, while the head is clean, focused on finding balance between what it tells the body what the body communicates.
The sun sinks below the horizon, the light becomes warmer, along with the few remaining in the crags we enjoy fully the ways of the last day. Finally after so long I can have fun, find new ideas and listen to the body, mind and rock converse with each other.
go down to the early sunset (the days are short) enjoying the last warm light of day, with the satisfaction of the fine weather and good company that we feel alive in the arms of heaviness and lightness of spirit.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Many Zopiclones For Od

Jof autumn

September has flown between commitments, bad weather and the flu, but now finally able to realize we design the tour for months on Miezegnot of Jof. Thanks to a rare synchronicity between my rhythms of sleep and the alarm sound jump out of bed at 6 o'clock in top form, preparing the last things, I have breakfast and childbirth. After buying a delicious bagel with cream, closing the lunch of homemade pizza, Federico, Cinzia and I go there to take John is waiting at home.
Val Dogna welcomes us cloudy, but as soon as we get to share the sky is painted blue and below us a sea of \u200b\u200bclouds engulfing the road that we've covered. A Sella Somdogna leave your car and take the path 609. The weather is stable, but the sun is hidden behind a dense humidity. The forest begins to wear autumn in all its range of greens, reds, yellows, and browns, and releases all its scents made from intense rains in recent days. Overcome the initial ramp at a good pace, but at a pace that allows us to experience all these emotions. Special sections of the trail are also well familiar to my memory and when we cross a large mule understand that we are coming hospitalization "Btg. Gemona Mountain" and the small war cemetery adjacent to it where we see a new crucifix erected recently.
decide to visit the remains of the first line of the Italian south-east ridge of the mountain that we reach through a path made it difficult in some places by channels created by the recent heavy rains, which cut across and force us to adventurous alternative routes through woods pine and small jumps of rock.
Legends and testimonies collected in the Friuli region tell of mysterious sightings of the Great War regiments wandering in the fog, here we do not see, but the signs of ancient human presence is very much alive. Barbed wire, shippers oxidized sprouting the gravel, cans, chipped and rusty tins, bottles of all colors, broken plates and dishes and many other things that not only tell human stories dramatic and far, but there are the touch, as the object of more other moves us: one of the parties that made up a plate recognition, without his precious cargo: the identity of a broken soldier.
In this alpine environment we also note the traces of the presence or animal. Along the path we find the remains of a goat, we will explain later, it was probably eaten by a bear sighted in these parts, while on a gravel, in a sinuous, creeping flight, I see a Viper makes me, as they say in Friuli, the "sgrisuj. Since
channels that cut the path that is higher from here seem insurmountable, we decided to walk the same trail: Once you reach the camp, we realize that is no longer that friendly and clean house we knew, but a refuge is in a state of neglect: the dirty floor lie the remains of food left by hikers scattered by a "rat" indifferent to our presence and has made the mattress, in very poor condition, its burrow, the offering box is often the subject of Alpine burglars, the fence that surrounded the terraces no longer exists as a beautiful outdoor table on which you ate in plenty of company.
In the open air, after clearing the pack the remains of squashed donut, eat our lunch. In the register of camp we find our signatures, I remember our winter ascent, and with no little sadness those left a few days earlier by Luca Vuerigh.
time is improving, the sun begins to beat, so John and I decide to climb to the top, to see if the path is still viable. The climb, after lunch, is tiring. As soon as we reach the saddle below the summit we see the sky in a strange and fascinating phenomenon: a huge circle in the bright blue sky, a large crown on the head of the Alps which I guess is a reflection of the sun on the atmosphere. The trail that climbs to the summit is not clean, but remains cautiously viable, proceed with care and arrive on Jof. For many years I climbed up here and I feel a bubbly feeling. The landscape, in spite of the clouds is always wonderful to be here. I see the same old dilapidated barracks when I saw them the last time many years ago, the mountain weather always seems to run slower, but here it seems to have stopped. I would like to share this moment with my brother and Sten are not that much in the mountains. After visiting a few locations, phoned home and said goodbye to Robert, who today failed to join the group, where we got to go down and reach out to others in the camp. After I rid of excess water that I carry around as usual, caliamo downstream, enjoying the autumn colors fired by the raking light of the evening.
After one last time to savor his lungs, eardrums and retinas in the autumn mountain saddle Somdogna reach the farm by car to the Plan of Spadovai where we expect a delicious and juicy frico with polenta and some biscuits, a recipe for Grandma of these places, very good.
The light of sunset gives way to night, the road runs fast under the wheels and fatigue begins to be felt. Satisfied and with a great desire to see the girls in my house, I let the emotions that pervade the mountain I can give, even after received the news that the little girl has taken a bad cold and then again, this night, no sleep ...