Monday, October 18, 2010

Torticollis In Infants Botox

A taste? It depends ...

Some readers have asked me if and when they will get a taste of the new version of the story "I'm going to live in Cuba."

Unfortunately I have to say that for the moment I can not meet this legitimate desire for a simple reason: the acceptance of the manuscript from a possible future publisher is subject to the fact that it is unpublished.

In other words, if you show just a few pages the publisher may refuse to publish the book.

Note that in the event I talked about possible future publisher ": at present, in fact, there is still no publisher with whom I have contracted anything. This is obvious since before finding a publisher must already have a completed manuscript.

However, even if I had already finished the manuscript and I had already submitted to some publishers do not necessarily someone This interest to publish my story and so you might as well be the case where should I go to so-called "autopubblicazione" (which would not be so bad, considering the unfair contracts that publishers often require that authors ...).

In this case, dear readers, I would have no problem to give you some taste of the new chapters .... not overdo it!

Image: Catherine Hadler /


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