Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thornberry And Rugrats Game Free

mah? but!

The climbs are becoming increasingly rare, there is no time, opportunities and, sometimes, the desire, but today is a of those autumn days memorable, sunny, mild and saturated colors, which become a real attraction, a unique opportunity for an afternoon of climbing. All this is true not only for us, so when Dario, Luca and I come to Gemona, there is a daunting crowd: all the easy routes of the cliff top five are occupied by a course in rock, for each of them there are an insurer, a student and a queue of other aspiring climbers waiting for their turn. We begin then with one of the most low, dirty, strange, and I never liked it. To deal with I have to find a particular concentration to pick and choose the track to follow and coordinate every step and every movement. Thus achieving the chain weighing each step slowly but without hesitation, difficulty in finding a source of great encouragement.
Today is also a perfect day to take pictures, so I'm delighted with the lovely Panasonic Luke, given that Olympus has a problem with the memory card. Luca
salt courageously with a harness eighties he claims to have bought less than a decade ago. Return now to climb after years, but moves well and exceeds the streets with peace of mind. Dario, despite the hearty lunch with donors of blood, burn the steps with his usual energy.
Thankfully is liberated in a way I prefer, so we run to occupy our square meter. Here I have fun, I'm easy and I can climb with a nice pace, use your feet carefully and gently, while the head is clean, focused on finding balance between what it tells the body what the body communicates.
The sun sinks below the horizon, the light becomes warmer, along with the few remaining in the crags we enjoy fully the ways of the last day. Finally after so long I can have fun, find new ideas and listen to the body, mind and rock converse with each other.
go down to the early sunset (the days are short) enjoying the last warm light of day, with the satisfaction of the fine weather and good company that we feel alive in the arms of heaviness and lightness of spirit.



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