Monday, December 27, 2010

How Long Did You Have Gastritis?

carefree excursions year-end

the table "Overview".

I come again, long awaited and yearn for the holidays "conscripted" by Christmas, so I organize with Fred, who was also at home, a nice walk. We decide to go by, as in the final days of the last years, in order to leave calmly and find a destination more suited to our poor physical condition. The choice fell on the hut Cuar under the namesake mountain. At eight are from Frederick and after two stops to take the food is excellent and fresh mortadella, Andreis and to continue on the road connecting the village to the hut to let the car continue on foot.
The day is cold, but fortunately not laid the Bora whips annoying as forecast: an excellent opportunity to test my new batteries, Gift of Darius, and the new softshell Montura that gave me and my parents Ilaria . Leaving the road we go down the path 815 through woods and crossing a very beautiful rustic cabins renovated; the only flaw in the landscape power line that goes from Lake Cavazzo. After the short run there so warms the body reaches the right temperature stable and well protected by my good jacket again, a good buy. At the end of the path cross the road to Forgaria and the Hills, but, having rejected an alternative route, we decided to go up the hiking trail that goes up 816 in the middle of a forest of black pine, used here in the past on an industrial scale for its resin which was produced by turpentine. Hot and without breath because of the steep climb we reach a small table with benches where we stop to enjoy the sun and a splendid view: a part of the Friuli plain, the sea in the distance, Cavazzo lake and ice-capped peaks of the mountains to the north. After a good warm barley and some pictures off again towards our destination. Unfortunately, our route passes behind the mountain and so we are no longer bathed in sunshine. The cold weather is being felt along a forest very nice and well cared for here and cut a great light. We also find good stretch of hard snow, which keeps well on the north side of the mountain. Just before arriving in the Hills are once again the sun that lights us and the Carnian Alps who appear before our eyes. Along the way we meet a van abandoned and wrecked that reminds me of some abandoned cars in which we played small to San Antonio during the holidays in the mountains. Arriving at the hut we eat Our room (the mortazza fresh is very good) and enjoy the sun going down behind the top of Cuar. The temperature is stiff, but the sun is not bad and I lean to warm up to a door made of aluminum which is very hot sun. Giving allacima tightening for the time we go down into the valley through the woods to 5 degrees below zero. For some photos I take off a glove and feel a quick finger ache from the cold. Around here even my phone is getting enough so I could hear Ilaria who called me to tell me that the juice of my new beer, bubbling merrily. Returning to the bench the first break we decided to go down the dirt road, a good alternative to the steep path. Here we see a kite that pass us and then flew over the road until it disappeared into the woods again. Along the final 815 of the path that brings us back to the car we are intrigued by some stone walls covered with green moss that run parallel in the woods. We decide to follow them and define them find an old trail that leads to a small group of houses in ruins and uninhabited for years. None of these has over the roof and the shutters on the windows, but some still have old wooden doors locked from the inside. Trees grew all around and even on the windows of the houses. In short then we are already in the car headed home. Time has passed
carefree and serene at this last walk of the year, quarter of this journal. In the evening I'm back with my girls, legs tired, relaxed, ready to go to bed happy because these holidays just started promising and tomorrow will be filled with a new and enjoyable trip in Austria with his grandparents.
Happy New Year to all!


Walkin Clinics For Birth Control

The third and the fourth chapter (as renumbered) were completed. It 'been a hard enough job that took me longer than expected because they have been partially rewritten and integrated with existing valuable information that I had kept in my diary. I had to make a hard copy operation-can-cut-paste-rewrite-read again.

will now expedite the work should continue, some chapters "historic" will remain unaltered (with minor revisions), while others will be added brand new. At least a couple will to finish the story and a couple more stories to tell several unpublished.

Then there are the "findings" from paper to scan: I am a bit 'scattered around the drawers of the library of the house, so I have to go looking for them and begin to catalog them. Hopefully that will not break the scanner in these days ...

Photo taken by:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ideas For Fake Diseases

Here's the cover!

forgive me for the delay in the processing of the book "I'm going to live in Cuba" and since we are in a period of Christmas gifts I have decided to reveal one of the "goodies" that will be accompanying the new edition of the tales.

next door, in fact, you can see the world premiere (it has never been published before in any forum, blog, website, gallery, forum, social, etc.). Photographic reproduction of my legendary "Carné de identidad "Cuban stood my status as a Permanent Resident (and here the capital letters are a must!). I decided that this emblematic image is almost certainly the book's cover.

Some relevant details, sure to be missed readers more attentive, for example, are the date of entry into the country and the emission (the difference is equal to more than six months ...) and the words carne de identidad, without the final T and without emphasis on E, which could lead to the belief that some pages are hidden in a piece of human thigh.

Even my haircut is not a negligible detail. It must be said, however, that the passport photo was not taken on the spot, but it was a copy which I brought with me from Italy and went back to some time previously. In reality in Cuba wore a more modest cut: if I had kept that mane in summer I would definitely be dead due to overheating of the skull. However I was intrigued the idea of \u200b\u200bdelivering that picture by the U.S. Immigration Cuban to see if they had the courage to apply it on the Carnet. Unfortunately they had the courage to do ... The Carnet

PS was composed of several pages, but since I only had a couple of rolls of film (for the younger ones, once the pictures were to "lots" of 36 frames and you could see only a few days. .. ask your parents if you do not believe it!) I had to save shots and so I decided to take only the first two. In hindsight I regret not having done a few shots more.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Maplestory How To Make A Moonstone

Little birthday walking

shortcuts to the top.
Every year for my birthday to organize a nice climb, but this year I did not succeed because of the extreme cold and fatigue that is me sapping. But today, the eve of birthday, I want to enjoy a bit 'after the sun reappeared last month, so I call him uncle Dario to suggest a short afternoon trip on Matajur and he, as usual, accept immediately. Prepare a backpack with a few things - I just got from very light - I greet my girls and childbirth. After a quick coffee at his house, his uncle Dario and I go back to the Valleys of Natisone Montemaggiore, the last village on the slopes of Matajur, where we leave the car. After chatting with a nice man who speaks to us of the latest snowfall, we walk the road to the refuge. Unfortunately, we started late and the sun is down, the lights are gradually getting warmer and grazing. We walk at a good pace by cutting, where possible, to snowy shortcuts. Going encounter those who have gone before us and now down to the valley: parents who play with her children or going to build an igloo with snow sleds, families who came to see the scenery and young photographers who are inspired by the last light of day. The air is clean and crisp. Darius, dressed perhaps too much, he sweats a lot, but would, as always a good pace, despite the aftermath of accidents football. Slightly greater than the shelter the sun has already disappeared beyond the horizon for the happiness of others who enjoy the back, there grows a bitter wind and protect your hands and head dress appropriately. After a few photos to give up top and the first stars we head towards the valley. The view is splendid. To the south we see the Friuli plain and clearer all'orrizzonte the sea. To the west the sky is inflamed, while in the east became the first ice and then night. Between the fire of the sunset and the black of night come on the moon first, then slowly millions of stars, sublime "DeRoche (said as Matilda) astral. We went down under a light crescent in the sky. We pass the abandoned cars in makeshift parking lots in the snow - where are their owners? - And happily back in the bell tower where we left the car. The country is desert, only a few faint light testifies to the presence of humans in some houses. From the tower comes rhythmic twang of the clock that marks the time of that town. Down crossing a beautiful landscape: a group of illuminated houses on a hill lies beneath an endless sky of stars, such as those that were present 39 years ago, the night before my birth.
In short, after a visit to look for a Vidusso windstopper, probably a birthday present, he accompanied Darius and are home again. Fresh air, sunshine and exercise have the usual effect on my body and my mind. I relax a peaceful noticing fatigue in the legs unexpected, given the brevity of the walk, my little complaint that this allenamentondi intense period.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Do I Brush My Tongue

Between dream and reality

The Mangart behind the clouds and the moonlight of a night in the eighties.

The Taming of the nights of recent years, crushed, shredded and cut off from the little Matilda, expanded borders of my sleep and wake blend dream and reality. In tiredness that has dragged on daily living emotions vivid dreams, dreams and reality breaks through the mountain of my imagination. I'm talking about places dear to my memories to relive in my dreams with new forms; and dream of places, experienced many times in my dreams that become real and familiar to my memory. In this way happily relive those mythical place in my personal history, with the same original and authentic emotion. These
S. Antonio the village where I spent the summer holidays for many years, that I see in dreams still full of those experiences and emotions that then shared with friends and relatives who went there with me during those months. Similarly Slizza relive the stream that is very different dreams, but always rich in fish and unexplored places that excite my imagination and the desire to explore, now partly appeased.
Others are places that exist only arise and are repeated several times in dreams, such as mountains, dream until recently, that are scratched from the wounds of the Great War. Try to describe: they are two peaks in front, divided by a deep saddle. The one on the right (no other details) is crowded, a little 'higher and steeper, can also be reached by cable car on its top and is home to a beautiful retreat. The other top, lower, rounder, more extensive but little-used instead, the war seems over yesterday and the tremendous spirit of the place is still pungent.
are imaginary places, but that represent important moments, thrilling and exciting of my experiences in the mountains. They share the volcanic energy that was born by the simplicity of an adventurous expectancy and its implementation, an 'adventure that we lived preparing, waiting, and sharing a foretaste.
Now my baby makes me discover new and more exciting and I hope that tomorrow I will share with you even the Alps. In recent months
dull gray and variously live these emotions, small "cidulis" waiting for the bright sun.