Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ideas For Fake Diseases

Here's the cover!

forgive me for the delay in the processing of the book "I'm going to live in Cuba" and since we are in a period of Christmas gifts I have decided to reveal one of the "goodies" that will be accompanying the new edition of the tales.

next door, in fact, you can see the world premiere (it has never been published before in any forum, blog, website, gallery, forum, social, etc.). Photographic reproduction of my legendary "Carné de identidad "Cuban stood my status as a Permanent Resident (and here the capital letters are a must!). I decided that this emblematic image is almost certainly the book's cover.

Some relevant details, sure to be missed readers more attentive, for example, are the date of entry into the country and the emission (the difference is equal to more than six months ...) and the words carne de identidad, without the final T and without emphasis on E, which could lead to the belief that some pages are hidden in a piece of human thigh.

Even my haircut is not a negligible detail. It must be said, however, that the passport photo was not taken on the spot, but it was a copy which I brought with me from Italy and went back to some time previously. In reality in Cuba wore a more modest cut: if I had kept that mane in summer I would definitely be dead due to overheating of the skull. However I was intrigued the idea of \u200b\u200bdelivering that picture by the U.S. Immigration Cuban to see if they had the courage to apply it on the Carnet. Unfortunately they had the courage to do ... The Carnet

PS was composed of several pages, but since I only had a couple of rolls of film (for the younger ones, once the pictures were to "lots" of 36 frames and you could see only a few days. .. ask your parents if you do not believe it!) I had to save shots and so I decided to take only the first two. In hindsight I regret not having done a few shots more.


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