Saturday, December 11, 2010

Maplestory How To Make A Moonstone

Little birthday walking

shortcuts to the top.
Every year for my birthday to organize a nice climb, but this year I did not succeed because of the extreme cold and fatigue that is me sapping. But today, the eve of birthday, I want to enjoy a bit 'after the sun reappeared last month, so I call him uncle Dario to suggest a short afternoon trip on Matajur and he, as usual, accept immediately. Prepare a backpack with a few things - I just got from very light - I greet my girls and childbirth. After a quick coffee at his house, his uncle Dario and I go back to the Valleys of Natisone Montemaggiore, the last village on the slopes of Matajur, where we leave the car. After chatting with a nice man who speaks to us of the latest snowfall, we walk the road to the refuge. Unfortunately, we started late and the sun is down, the lights are gradually getting warmer and grazing. We walk at a good pace by cutting, where possible, to snowy shortcuts. Going encounter those who have gone before us and now down to the valley: parents who play with her children or going to build an igloo with snow sleds, families who came to see the scenery and young photographers who are inspired by the last light of day. The air is clean and crisp. Darius, dressed perhaps too much, he sweats a lot, but would, as always a good pace, despite the aftermath of accidents football. Slightly greater than the shelter the sun has already disappeared beyond the horizon for the happiness of others who enjoy the back, there grows a bitter wind and protect your hands and head dress appropriately. After a few photos to give up top and the first stars we head towards the valley. The view is splendid. To the south we see the Friuli plain and clearer all'orrizzonte the sea. To the west the sky is inflamed, while in the east became the first ice and then night. Between the fire of the sunset and the black of night come on the moon first, then slowly millions of stars, sublime "DeRoche (said as Matilda) astral. We went down under a light crescent in the sky. We pass the abandoned cars in makeshift parking lots in the snow - where are their owners? - And happily back in the bell tower where we left the car. The country is desert, only a few faint light testifies to the presence of humans in some houses. From the tower comes rhythmic twang of the clock that marks the time of that town. Down crossing a beautiful landscape: a group of illuminated houses on a hill lies beneath an endless sky of stars, such as those that were present 39 years ago, the night before my birth.
In short, after a visit to look for a Vidusso windstopper, probably a birthday present, he accompanied Darius and are home again. Fresh air, sunshine and exercise have the usual effect on my body and my mind. I relax a peaceful noticing fatigue in the legs unexpected, given the brevity of the walk, my little complaint that this allenamentondi intense period.



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