Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nadine Jansen V Milena Velba Shower

money to landslides and

Over 2 and a half million euro available for assistance, the municipalities have 30 days to draw up the list priorities

POMARANCE. inadequate water supply. Landslides still threaten the maintenance of provincial and municipal roads. And then all those areas where there is no reliable Internet coverage: geothermal energy coming from the additional funds allocated to these operations in the territory. Over 2 and a half million euro result of an agreement between the Province of Pisa, the mountain community and the communities of Pomarance, Castelnuovo, Montecatini and Monteverdi.
This is a common front for the benefit of Valdicecina and particularly of geothermal areas, with specific reference to roads and telecommunication networks which follows voluntary agreement implementing the Memorandum of Understanding of 20 December 2007 entitled "General Agreement on geothermal energy."
"To maximize the extent permitted by this important opportunity - said President and Alderman Walter Pieroni Andrea Picchi - we agreed on the need to make these system resources, aiming to implement a multi-annual programming, the only intervention to address the deficiencies Valdicecina of infrastructure. "
In particular, concerning roads, signed the agreement provides that municipalities within 30 days indicate that wish to pursue the objectives to improve their viability the territory.
will also be assessed the effects on traffic by landslides, in order to plan the necessary interventions. After the testing phase will be drawn up an agreement to limit the financial commitments of municipalities and the Province and a time schedule for the implementation of interventions.
On the other hand, computer networks, municipalities and the province agreed on the need to develop interventions to improve access to the internet mainly by local firms.
also on the front of the water supply, municipalities and the Province will trigger a round table with the sole operator in order to identify the objectives in the short and medium term, and by reference to infrastructure projects already planned, and the availability of resources to areas Pip in the area.
Cosvig Al was given the coordinating role between the province and municipalities.

From "Il Tirreno" of Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Is Denise Milani Single?

Asbestos Internet, there is a map of the sites still dangerous

the operating table with Enel. Martignoni 5 million for the remediation

POMARANCE. Not only will it open the table. But above, as first course, there is also mapping of areas that are still "red" and those already reclaimed, requests for years from many quarters. It 'a turning point for the asbestos issue in the Upper Cecina Valley.
"At last, opened the discussion between the administration, the municipalities affected, the Committee against asbestos and Enel are already taking the first steps towards a true recognition of the problem of material still in around with the full intention to recover the polluted land still to give a long-lasting result. " The announcement was made by the Mayor of Pomarance, Loris Martignoni.
has the flavor of a small but significant victory for many people - the first of Committee - which in recent years have fought to the areas that are still contaminated and not reported were mapped.
One way to narrow. A beginning, after dozens of sick people and found near homes, schools, public buildings, forests. There were few
steam ducts of asbestos insulation. Enel, the data in hand, over 500 km of pipe has yet to renew 3. "They build them from scratch," explains the Mayor. Others are given numbers from the big geothermal power: more than 120 discoveries, 24 have been identified, contained, but still to be reclaimed.
"We - continues Martignoni, in unison with the mayors of Monterotondo, Castelnuovo - we asked the company a greater commitment on the findings next to homes, villages and public buildings because they are really damaging. " And yes Enel has arrived, with the award of a contract of € 5 million to be used as early as 2011 . "The two companies operating in the area have ensured 8 yards in the opening of contemporary art, with priority over Pomarance for sites to be reclaimed to St. Hippolytus, in the area around Pip and Larderello. To contract the company must also monitor the weekly findings, so that weather events do not damage the fences. " As about mapping, refer to the map of existing steam ducts until the '50s.

D to "Il Tirreno" of Friday, January 28, 2011

Both Sides Of Stomach Pain

Together for Change: statement on wind energy in Poggio di Canneto


learn in these days that would have been presented with the competent offices of the Region of Tuscany by Enel Green Power project of a new power plant fueled by wind power on the hill of Canneto . We are unable to provide further information because, for a formal error of the proponent, the project was not properly published in the newspapers and is not yet available on official sites as required by law.
This is the third project that ENEL first, then EGP are on the same site. The precedents have been rejected by the region and we have no doubt that it will be too.
The Federation of Civic Lists Together for Change reaffirms the total opposition to the project, if built along the lines of previous to the exclusion of the territory of Pomarance , as announced (different technical solutions do not seem to go), remains extremely impacting primarily for the settlement of territory in Lustignano Pomarance.
reiterate once again that such plants should be at the center of a debate on a wide area and that decisions can not be conditioned by the relationships between the City of Monteverdi and a private company.
continue the protest against the project, in all institutions, and we also intend to highlight not only the environmental impacts of the project, but also very critical of the relationship between the City of Monteverdi and the proponent, including the light of the many new laws and court decisions relating to renewable sources.
activity will continue to inform the public through meetings and collecting comments from the public in the proceedings of environmental impact assessment, as was done with great success during the second project.

Monteverdi Together for Change - The Parent Council Chamber
Massimo Manetti

Pomarance Together for Change - The Parent Council Chamber
Loriano Fidanza

Montescudaio Together for Change - The Parent Council Chamber
Fabio Tinelli Roncalli

Riparbella Together for Change - The Parent Council Chamber
Emilio Mancini

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Eastside Mario's Parmesan Supplier

waving orange flag on the roof of the Palace of Pomarance

POMARANCE. It is orange flag. Symbolically flown Building on top of the important recognition that the Touring Club granted the village of Pomarance. So from the next edition of the guide, one of the most popular in Italy, there will be that common in the shadow of Rocca Sillana, including the treasures of the area identified in recognition. "The Touring has accepted our application for membership made a year and a half ago. And long, in fact, that we work to achieve this tour, "says the mayor proudly Loris Martignoni . In a nutshell
this card - also taken from Castelnuovo - allow the Pomarancio ground to launch the National Tourism Administration in the ether. And beyond. "In three years - continued - d ovremo make some improvements with regard to road signs, increase parking and fix some of the facades of the old town." rubbed his hands at the thought, the first citizen. Think of the beauty of the village, the green parks that offers the horse trails on which the administration is working on. "We will celebrate this event, I hope with Castelnuovo.

From "Il Tirreno" of Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Stores That Sell Maternity Clothes

fifth and sixth ... Third and fourth chapters

The fifth chapter has just been re-written: it is that which speaks of the Computer Centre. I had to do a little 'cut and sew, adding some new details that I omitted in the previous year.

Now I'm working on the sixth chapter (in the new numbers, which does not coincide with the previous one). Then, by reviewing a bit 'general structure, I decided that some old chapters will be literally removed to reassemble them chronologically correct.

Ah, then I found some new on-demand printing solutions as alternatives to those that I had originally thought. Lulu and are definitely Ilmiolibro too expensive: I discovered the Italian companies which supply the same product at half price and with greater ability to customize the book, for example by choosing the traditional ivory paper in different weights, rather than the cold white paper.

Well, if anyone had any doubts ... Now we know that in recent weeks I have not been with our hands ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

White Damask Wrapping Paper

It expand the productive areas of arsenic from

Pomarance work in the spring of € 1.2 million to equip seven hectares.
Martignoni, "the contract you are interested in more than 200 companies'

POMARANCE. This is the second and last batch that will lead to the completion of the Pip made along the main road 439, in the southeast of the capital.
"The award of this contract - says the mayor Loris Martignoni - has seen the involvement of over 200 companies and the presentation of 160 projects. Soon, in compliance with the regulations on the allocation of contracts, there will be delivery of the work should begin in the spring. " In addition
the completion of the urbanization is expected to supply the district heating with the possibility of using heat for production needs. The new area covers an area of \u200b\u200b71,683 square meters divided into 7 lots ranging from 4 thousand to 8 thousand square meters. whole area 10% is reserved for parking, 25% to 8% for green roads. After completion of the work will be published the tender for the acquisition of the lots, the price is around 21 euro per square meter.
being finalized, however, the work of Pip Larderello. The whole area in the upper part of the settlement, company was acquired by Emilian Lightning Greengas Spa Here arise a laboratory for bottled carbon dioxide for food. An installation that should take up at least 6 people.
localization Larderello the area also were interested in the municipalities of Castelnuovo, and Monterotondo Monteverdi, for want of production space, was not a choice causal. This choice is related to the availability of local resources, low cost, with maximum temperature available up to 210 degrees Celsius, and the presence of already launched services such as canteens, garages, car parks, as well as homes that Enel is already selling to individuals.

From "Il Tirreno" of Friday, January 21, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Much Does And Average Candy Buffet

Demolished Montecerboli

The chiller has been installed and is working

POMARANCE. Via arsenic, after almost 80 years, drinking water and Montecerboli Larderello. It 's a historic day for the Mayor of Loris Pomarance Martignoni. 'It came into operation the blast, eventually the input value to the filing of Sol Curlew measured 12.4 micrograms per liter, while the output value is less than 1 mg, "he says. tables at hand, shows that the values of arsenic are well below the safety limit provided by law (10 micrograms per liter) , ending a long chain of exceptions that had lasted for over 7 years.
The blast, high technology, was installed by the deposit by Asa Sol Curlew in Larderello, and is the first machine went into operation in our region.
From first glance you immediately notice is the high profile implant technology, both the complexity of the system with a multiplicity of components that run like a cobweb in a prefabricated box where there are two large tanks, resins that contain both rare that can filter arsenic from water by Carlina.
When the facility is not yet fully operational, but since the first results of the operation is assured.
The total investment supported by Asa for the purchase and installation of this equipment is around 70 thousand euro. In addition to this intervention have been made other important improvements in the storage of Sol Curlew, as the replacement of old pipes with new pipes in stainless steel, the installation of remote monitoring and reset the equipment inside the new store. "We thank the ASA for your attention and effort he gave to our country, particularly the operating team in the Val di Cecina.

From "Il Tirreno" of Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Get A Illinois Homemade Trailer Title

A breath of "spring" and a dear friend

chain in the "Before".
The blue sky, the sun penetrating the air mild and fragrant, this weekend we are tasting a vague preview of spring and rekindled an instinctive call of nature, which willingly favors, despite the constant fatigue these days proposing to jump to go climbing. Step to take it at 11, but not before we start having breakfast at a bar near his home Saturday where we know, a Nigerian boy in search of better fortune. The forecast is good, but towards the mountains the sky is overcast, then elect to Anduins daily destination, preferring the streets demanding to the most quiet and sunny, but in the shadow of Gemona. After taking sandwiches and drinks at the local grocery store, trying to sell water at a price ten times, we come under the walls. As usual, the gym is crowded, the way that interests us, however, is free and now we are preparing to climb it, dressing and rehearsing the material safety maneuvers. After a brief heating to climb with ease childbirth and enthusiasm, I can move with ease concatenating unexpectedly good movement on the steps. The new red hooks, the birthday of my brother's half hour of the wall and decorate their jingle is indistinguishable from that of the material of the other lovers of the rock. My left arm feels a little 'the weight of fatigue and tells me was the lack of training. Arrive at last in a chain with the sun that illuminates and warms the walls now, our backs and our enthusiasm. Now it's rising now decided to jump. The start of this road, however, requires a certain familiarity to not get too hung up quickly in the arms and consume energy. So it happens and Jump, after several attempts, fails to complete the street. Your satisfaction and enthusiasm, however, are maximum and engaging, as is always his company. After having replaced the first street to retrieve carabiners we both started with the 'Ucelut (5a) that can be overcome without much difficulty, though with some pause for reflection. The way is far more difficult than the previous one, but do not jump to win by, unable to climb the first few feet of the street, stopping only at the end of a crack, a slight overhang, which certainly exceeds the next time, maybe after a while 'Training on the streets of Gemona supported. Unfortunately, time is running out so, after having risen to retrieve the snap, go down to finish morning enjoying our fresh bread, the scent of wood, air and sun. The impact Anduins was good. There is much still to be recovered, but I enjoyed it and I climbed with great pleasure and a light transport. But this is not the best known of the day, at least not as the good time shared with good friends, especially as Jump. Coming back we stopped at the source and along the road between rich arrivamo talks in Udine. Before leaving home Jump with me to see a room that will serve early to celebrate a birthday. In fact, in a few days, Matilda will carry three years: Greetings puppy daddy!

Jump, author of the post below, in an old photo taken at Gemona. Thank you Jump!

(Jump, strong climber for a moment)

deep blue sky today. The light is crystal clear that the days of winter swept by the descendants of Aeolus, the light that let the thought go along with the look and go running away in the meadows of Spring. The rock wall, fair in its majesty, seems to welcome you in an almost maternal embrace. The smell of deep moss invested by the rays of the sun revives memories and images from near and far. Do not force and strength, not rise and fly, but lightness and balance, respect and harmony, giving and hope. The body struggles to awaken from winter slumber and try to grow on the rock is wet of the night passed. They are simple gestures, almost caresses and attentions minute. There is no shortage holds, supports, cracks, crevices and opportunities taken and momentum, harmonic movements and gentle thoughts. You move smoothly and rediscover the taste of earth and dust in your hands, do not rush. The mind runs fast, looks like a film will go with color images in black and white and then and then. Then, the void, nothingness. The non-thought. Do you feel the breath and that to please gets hold of the body and its movements, and the heart beats and beats again and supports the thinking and not thinking and supports you as serene minutes clinging to footholds. And those little crevices that seem to make no sense, ever, for you are now at certainty and hope, a time of rising and liberal interpretation, are small moments of happiness that you push up. I've always been there but had never seen in all their importance. Here then is that while you climb revised in the heart moments near and far, and emotions experienced and grown dormant, breakers of joy and never dull, small and great people, smiling and sad, and all the many little things that are always present and always have watched and sometimes observed. Change their meaning and that explodes inside and salts because you have overcome that when you did not know what to grab. Lying on the rock they caress the bumps, with respect and looking for a new horizon that seems far away and, instead, is so close and you looked at the beginning and did not know that this would be your new point of departure and arrival together. Now you begin to discover and intrigues and fascinates you because it gets in and fills you with pure emotion, simple and true as the sunrises and sunsets. And that emotion I do treasure and treasure it and try to share it with those around you, with griffins flying high, with small ferns shyly peeking shyly from the rock and pat, with the tall shrubs that await you with confidence. And you climb and climb and climb and climb again and my arms ache and you do not seem to have more strength and then, after all, you will discover a small reserve that regenerates and allows you to stick to the wall like a shadow, and if you want, like a ray of sunshine. Then the strong support the legs push you a bit 'higher up the rock and will support you and collect the arms painful yet joyful.
E 'feel good now because the parts of your body pulsate and have made the effort and the joy experienced invite you to continue and evolve the movement to the discovery of new small cracks, new small and large organizations are ready to reveal their meanings more deep, new horizons that will be in and out of you and when you have them covered, and shared those will become part of you.

And you continue to climb and climb and those horizons move with you, always one step ahead. Yes

Your horizon. Always a step ahead.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dhea And High Fsh Treatment And Endometriosis

cuts to transportation, the City prepares

Martignoni: complicated situation, commuters will be affected

POMARANCE. Between a fortnight will come into force the new public transport services that include local races cuts for the reduction of regional transfers. What will happen to the citizens of the mayor Pomarance Loris Martignoni.
How are you preparing your municipality?
"The transport situation is constantly changing. Unfortunately only the last days of December there was the certainty of the magnitude of cuts in transfer payments made by the region and this has complicated the picture. The matter is very complex and not easy to cope with the cuts while maintaining the same transport network. We have already seen some important critical in the removal of some races that are likely to have an impact on the category of commuters. For this we are already working with the CPT to understand the philosophy of the transactions and what there is still room for intervention to improve the service. We also propose a public awareness campaign about public transport because we can not expect to always use its own resources and be guaranteed a little used public transport "
What resources made available to the City for public transport?
"We decided to confirm, as well as requested by the Province of Pisa, all resources allocated during 2009, approximately 73mila. We are also able to provide an additional service for the return of students who attend school at Serrazzano Cecina "
a result of the cuts are also at risk jobs.
"For our area it seems now that there are no imminent threats to cut jobs However, work is now needed as soon sit at a table to which municipalities are present, a company which manages the service and trade unions. Everyone must do their part and also the company, fortunately one of the few in the region to have a budget surplus, has the duty to propose credible solutions. why we have asked on the subject of the meeting of the Centre Socio-Economic Community of Montana to evaluate any initiatives to support employment. "

From "Il Tirreno" of Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

List All Possible Permutations

Physiotherapist on maternity leave, no close substitute el'ambulatorio

POMARANCE. For about a month of physical therapy clinic is closed. The doctor is on maternity leave, no one will replace the district Pomarance and those in need of services will be forced to assemble in the car and contact the local health offices Larderello, or Volterra.
"This is not the way to continue a valuable service like this," argue that some users have found the surprise. "At this clinic we are always so many people and the lines are often quite long," they note. The options are currently two, even three: move into the nearest public health offices, or opt for a private physiotherapist. The fact did not fail to cause concern between users. "We who needs this service - still - why do not we wonder why we have been provided to replace the gasket, because motherhood is an event that is known in advance."
Torches spokesman also Loriano Fidanza, Councillor with responsibility for health. Do not go down because of not being aware of the issue. "As the person responsible for coordinating the health district - says his girlfriend - there should have been careful to communicate the matter to the City."
Fidanza learns the disruption directly by the people. "This is a method if the first was tolerated - I repeat - now no longer good." It lists the reasons: "Informing the City could look into the possibility of making an agreement with a private doctor maybe, as happened in the sports medicine of Volterra, in order to compensate for the lack of a substitute therapist. So there is only a serious disservice, considering that we live many elderly who may need that service. " Boyfriend does not fail to note that such a thing had happened at the end of summer.

From "Il Tirreno" of Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Image Of Ringworm For African Americans

Together for Change: Region well photovoltaics


The Federation of Civic Lists Together for Change fully supports the decision of the Regional severely curtailed the possibility of installing solar power plants in industrial farming areas: this decision is consistent with the preservation of the Tuscan landscape and art. 9 of the Constitution, which include many who seem to ignore it (especially the Provincial Councillor for the environment, peak), places the landscape and its protection as a fundamental principle of our Republic.
addition to damaging the landscape (as is the case these days in Monteverdi near the Abbey of St. Peter in Palazzolo) these plants are also damaging to the pockets families, who pay out of their pockets the huge incentives that are paid to producers, creating jobs in China where the panels are manufactured and not from us. Even more disastrous are for energy-intensive industries that already harass the higher cost of electricity in Europe, saw a further addition to their heavy tax bills and eventually will close, laying off hundreds of people.
With this in mind we have an electricity generation totally irrelevant: the 3000 MW of PV installed in Italy in late 2010 will cost the community over the next two decades more than 20 billion euro, having produced a quantity of electricity equal to 0 , 5% the request.
It is clear that public resources should be used for activities more efficient in achieving environmental goals, such as energy efficiency measures or at least to the small domestic households not benefiting financially large speculators.
These plants are harmful to agriculture because, beyond the land occupied, lead to changes in the vocation of the companies that build and there is a risk that agricultural activities become an entirely marginal in relation to industrial production energy determining the possibility of a further abandonment of fields, very harmful because it justified only by the presence of incentives, and even serious damage to employment in the sector.
We hope that for once the Alderman Picchi really put the environment before the interests of industry and speculators. Finally, we hope that the same regional regulatory protection will soon be extended to wind farms.

Fabio Tinelli Roncalli
Parent Council Chamber together to change Montescudaio

Loriano Fidanza
Parent Council Chamber together to change Pomarance

Massimo Manetti
Parent Council Chamber together to change Monteverdi

Emilio Mancini
Parent Council Chamber together to change Riparbella

Monday, January 10, 2011

R. Carlin Aviation Prints

Larderello: Public Meeting on Restoration of the status of work

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Milena-velba Little House Laura

Tennis Club Pomarance

Fixed fields of capital and Serrazzano. Already assigned the management

POMARANCE. rise on the Tennis Club Pomarance now that the two have been restored to the capital and Campini Serrazzano. intervention, as well as commitment of the City, was made possible thanks to the contribution of the mountain community with a commitment to spending more than 50 thousand euro. Overall, the interventions these sports have been reclassified at a cost of € 103mila.
in the capital have been renewed within two fields of via Garibaldi, paved with turf: one for tennis and soccer and one dedicated exclusively to tennis. What Serrazzano, again with synthetic grass flooring, reserved solely for playing tennis. 'intervention - says councilor Leonardo Faithful - stems from the desire of the municipal administration and the strong enthusiasm to resurrect the Tennis club Pomarance , who, years ago, when he was president Claudio Bruscoli, had over 50 members . Unfortunately, the conditions of sports, strongly degraded, no longer allowing that this sport was practiced. " also renewed the entire area of \u200b\u200bpublic, with small lamps that have helped make more visible the green areas surrounding the sports facilities, sometimes subject to unauthorized intrusions and some vandalism. A small incident has not yet allowed the approval of one of the two fields. "It would - said the commissioner - not a wrong execution of the work performed by a specialist in the field, but a bulge, because of water seepage in the basement, he did raise a portion of the synthetic surface, causing the stagnation of rainwater. Presto - ensures Faithful - s'interverrà to eliminate once and for all the inconvenience. "
The management of the Via Garibaldi, through a regular tender completed in late summer, has been entrusted to Usd Pomarance. With the complex in good working order, you will hear around the recreation of the Tennis club, with a new board and a new president. "
Serrazzano The field has been outsourced to a company in the country.

From "Il Tirreno" of Thursday, January 6, 2011.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bridal Shops On Spadina In Toronto

Cold creaky (hike to camp Cimenti)

brrr ...

The ground crunches beneath your boots, numb with cold as my body slow to warm up the muscles. Cynthia, Fred and I left at eight this morning direct to the village of Illegio. Leave the car on a road bleached by the frost ice cold, to proceed on foot on the 433. The climb is steep, but the cold drives us to walk vigorously seeking to caring a bit 'of warmth. We reach the end of the trail already heated by the movement and from there we continue along a forest road that leads to the bivouac Cimento, our goal today. It is a convenient cart rarely covered by any stretch of frozen snow that runs in the middle of the woods naked, but it cures, soft and cozy. Among the various rumors and we get to share when we understand to be close to the goal we start to collect firewood, so uncomfortably cold to cool the palms of your hands. Finally we reach the sun that lights us and we happily to see the camp from above. The road ahead is still great, but only after a long descent and some are returned to the well-marked detour that leads to "Cimento". The camp, situated in a clearing in the middle of the forest, has been recently renovated, is charming and welcoming. A beautiful and functional fireplace promises to heat the room very cold, well represented by the ice covering the glass front door. Cynthia Faith and immediately lit the fire with wood that we brought with to no avail, because the forest is full of firewood and kindling. Through the glass door we can see the fire that heats the area around the stove. We sit around the source of the pleasant warmth and lunch, some with fresh mortadella and who, like me, with warm pizza left on the plate of the stove. How beautiful it is lost before the fire, pampering from its flames and embrace its warmth. Reluctantly, after visiting the wooden loft that can accommodate hikers for the night, we leave the warmth of the camp to take the long way home. The sky is deep blue and the lights are spectacular. So I take this opportunity to take pictures when my Canon g10 accidentally falls to the ground hitting the rocks. The recovery frantically, trying to remove the dust with which you are bedraggled to immediately see if it still works. At first glance, seems to have overcome the blow, but unfortunately There is a small scratch on the lens that is being noticed in some photos.
With regret unexpectedly peaceful walk ahead and decide not to go down the same trail, but to continue along the forest road to the car. The tour stretches a lot and at the end of the day we walked 17 kilometers . The course is frozen in some places and we must be careful not to slip: we wonder how they did it two jeeps that we crossed to overcome these traits. We get tired and shivering in the car, so we go back home enjoying the last light of day.
A walk to inaugurate the new year in the company of my two dear friends, to seal these beautiful winter break, during which I could spend more time with my little puppy with Ilaria and Matilda, two of my deepest joys.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Film De Mario Salieri

inaugurated the new lighting


Enel Green Power and Towns of the Val di Cecina geothermal toast the New Year with an important event for artistic and tourism was inaugurated in the presence of the mayor of Castelnuovo Valdicecina Alberto Ferrini and those Pomarance, Martignoni, and Monterotondo, Giannetti, and the head of Enel Green Power Geothermal, Massimo Montemaggi, the new artistic lighting of Geothermal power plant, "Sasso 2," Sasso Pisano.
A very spectacular action that brings out the cooling tower and enhances the area and its beauty. This is an initiative
architecture and landscape regeneration promoted by Enel in geothermal systems of Tuscany has always been a resource for the region with five billion kilowatt hours per year that cover 25% of energy Tuscan but also add value to the tourism sector and mass and the so-called multiple uses with important consequences in terms of economic development, district heating and, more generally, cultural, artistic and social development of geothermal areas. The cooling tower
assume the dual role to issue from within an attractive white light reflecting off the water of precipitation, and spread out the amber light that lights projected on the large areas of hyperbolic membrane. From the windows of the building is spread a further effect of illuminescenza.

From "The Nation" Sunday, January 2, 2011 to