Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Much Does And Average Candy Buffet

Demolished Montecerboli

The chiller has been installed and is working

POMARANCE. Via arsenic, after almost 80 years, drinking water and Montecerboli Larderello. It 's a historic day for the Mayor of Loris Pomarance Martignoni. 'It came into operation the blast, eventually the input value to the filing of Sol Curlew measured 12.4 micrograms per liter, while the output value is less than 1 mg, "he says. tables at hand, shows that the values of arsenic are well below the safety limit provided by law (10 micrograms per liter) , ending a long chain of exceptions that had lasted for over 7 years.
The blast, high technology, was installed by the deposit by Asa Sol Curlew in Larderello, and is the first machine went into operation in our region.
From first glance you immediately notice is the high profile implant technology, both the complexity of the system with a multiplicity of components that run like a cobweb in a prefabricated box where there are two large tanks, resins that contain both rare that can filter arsenic from water by Carlina.
When the facility is not yet fully operational, but since the first results of the operation is assured.
The total investment supported by Asa for the purchase and installation of this equipment is around 70 thousand euro. In addition to this intervention have been made other important improvements in the storage of Sol Curlew, as the replacement of old pipes with new pipes in stainless steel, the installation of remote monitoring and reset the equipment inside the new store. "We thank the ASA for your attention and effort he gave to our country, particularly the operating team in the Val di Cecina.

From "Il Tirreno" of Saturday, January 15, 2011


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