Tuesday, January 11, 2011

List All Possible Permutations

Physiotherapist on maternity leave, no close substitute el'ambulatorio

POMARANCE. For about a month of physical therapy clinic is closed. The doctor is on maternity leave, no one will replace the district Pomarance and those in need of services will be forced to assemble in the car and contact the local health offices Larderello, or Volterra.
"This is not the way to continue a valuable service like this," argue that some users have found the surprise. "At this clinic we are always so many people and the lines are often quite long," they note. The options are currently two, even three: move into the nearest public health offices, or opt for a private physiotherapist. The fact did not fail to cause concern between users. "We who needs this service - still - why do not we wonder why we have been provided to replace the gasket, because motherhood is an event that is known in advance."
Torches spokesman also Loriano Fidanza, Councillor with responsibility for health. Do not go down because of not being aware of the issue. "As the person responsible for coordinating the health district - says his girlfriend - there should have been careful to communicate the matter to the City."
Fidanza learns the disruption directly by the people. "This is a method if the first was tolerated - I repeat - now no longer good." It lists the reasons: "Informing the City could look into the possibility of making an agreement with a private doctor maybe, as happened in the sports medicine of Volterra, in order to compensate for the lack of a substitute therapist. So there is only a serious disservice, considering that we live many elderly who may need that service. " Boyfriend does not fail to note that such a thing had happened at the end of summer.

From "Il Tirreno" of Wednesday, January 12, 2011


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