Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Get A Illinois Homemade Trailer Title

A breath of "spring" and a dear friend

chain in the "Before".
The blue sky, the sun penetrating the air mild and fragrant, this weekend we are tasting a vague preview of spring and rekindled an instinctive call of nature, which willingly favors, despite the constant fatigue these days proposing to jump to go climbing. Step to take it at 11, but not before we start having breakfast at a bar near his home Saturday where we know, a Nigerian boy in search of better fortune. The forecast is good, but towards the mountains the sky is overcast, then elect to Anduins daily destination, preferring the streets demanding to the most quiet and sunny, but in the shadow of Gemona. After taking sandwiches and drinks at the local grocery store, trying to sell water at a price ten times, we come under the walls. As usual, the gym is crowded, the way that interests us, however, is free and now we are preparing to climb it, dressing and rehearsing the material safety maneuvers. After a brief heating to climb with ease childbirth and enthusiasm, I can move with ease concatenating unexpectedly good movement on the steps. The new red hooks, the birthday of my brother's half hour of the wall and decorate their jingle is indistinguishable from that of the material of the other lovers of the rock. My left arm feels a little 'the weight of fatigue and tells me was the lack of training. Arrive at last in a chain with the sun that illuminates and warms the walls now, our backs and our enthusiasm. Now it's rising now decided to jump. The start of this road, however, requires a certain familiarity to not get too hung up quickly in the arms and consume energy. So it happens and Jump, after several attempts, fails to complete the street. Your satisfaction and enthusiasm, however, are maximum and engaging, as is always his company. After having replaced the first street to retrieve carabiners we both started with the 'Ucelut (5a) that can be overcome without much difficulty, though with some pause for reflection. The way is far more difficult than the previous one, but do not jump to win by, unable to climb the first few feet of the street, stopping only at the end of a crack, a slight overhang, which certainly exceeds the next time, maybe after a while 'Training on the streets of Gemona supported. Unfortunately, time is running out so, after having risen to retrieve the snap, go down to finish morning enjoying our fresh bread, the scent of wood, air and sun. The impact Anduins was good. There is much still to be recovered, but I enjoyed it and I climbed with great pleasure and a light transport. But this is not the best known of the day, at least not as the good time shared with good friends, especially as Jump. Coming back we stopped at the source and along the road between rich arrivamo talks in Udine. Before leaving home Jump with me to see a room that will serve early to celebrate a birthday. In fact, in a few days, Matilda will carry three years: Greetings puppy daddy!

Jump, author of the post below, in an old photo taken at Gemona. Thank you Jump!

(Jump, strong climber for a moment)

deep blue sky today. The light is crystal clear that the days of winter swept by the descendants of Aeolus, the light that let the thought go along with the look and go running away in the meadows of Spring. The rock wall, fair in its majesty, seems to welcome you in an almost maternal embrace. The smell of deep moss invested by the rays of the sun revives memories and images from near and far. Do not force and strength, not rise and fly, but lightness and balance, respect and harmony, giving and hope. The body struggles to awaken from winter slumber and try to grow on the rock is wet of the night passed. They are simple gestures, almost caresses and attentions minute. There is no shortage holds, supports, cracks, crevices and opportunities taken and momentum, harmonic movements and gentle thoughts. You move smoothly and rediscover the taste of earth and dust in your hands, do not rush. The mind runs fast, looks like a film will go with color images in black and white and then and then. Then, the void, nothingness. The non-thought. Do you feel the breath and that to please gets hold of the body and its movements, and the heart beats and beats again and supports the thinking and not thinking and supports you as serene minutes clinging to footholds. And those little crevices that seem to make no sense, ever, for you are now at certainty and hope, a time of rising and liberal interpretation, are small moments of happiness that you push up. I've always been there but had never seen in all their importance. Here then is that while you climb revised in the heart moments near and far, and emotions experienced and grown dormant, breakers of joy and never dull, small and great people, smiling and sad, and all the many little things that are always present and always have watched and sometimes observed. Change their meaning and that explodes inside and salts because you have overcome that when you did not know what to grab. Lying on the rock they caress the bumps, with respect and looking for a new horizon that seems far away and, instead, is so close and you looked at the beginning and did not know that this would be your new point of departure and arrival together. Now you begin to discover and intrigues and fascinates you because it gets in and fills you with pure emotion, simple and true as the sunrises and sunsets. And that emotion I do treasure and treasure it and try to share it with those around you, with griffins flying high, with small ferns shyly peeking shyly from the rock and pat, with the tall shrubs that await you with confidence. And you climb and climb and climb and climb again and my arms ache and you do not seem to have more strength and then, after all, you will discover a small reserve that regenerates and allows you to stick to the wall like a shadow, and if you want, like a ray of sunshine. Then the strong support the legs push you a bit 'higher up the rock and will support you and collect the arms painful yet joyful.
E 'feel good now because the parts of your body pulsate and have made the effort and the joy experienced invite you to continue and evolve the movement to the discovery of new small cracks, new small and large organizations are ready to reveal their meanings more deep, new horizons that will be in and out of you and when you have them covered, and shared those will become part of you.

And you continue to climb and climb and those horizons move with you, always one step ahead. Yes

Your horizon. Always a step ahead.


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