Friday, January 28, 2011

Is Denise Milani Single?

Asbestos Internet, there is a map of the sites still dangerous

the operating table with Enel. Martignoni 5 million for the remediation

POMARANCE. Not only will it open the table. But above, as first course, there is also mapping of areas that are still "red" and those already reclaimed, requests for years from many quarters. It 'a turning point for the asbestos issue in the Upper Cecina Valley.
"At last, opened the discussion between the administration, the municipalities affected, the Committee against asbestos and Enel are already taking the first steps towards a true recognition of the problem of material still in around with the full intention to recover the polluted land still to give a long-lasting result. " The announcement was made by the Mayor of Pomarance, Loris Martignoni.
has the flavor of a small but significant victory for many people - the first of Committee - which in recent years have fought to the areas that are still contaminated and not reported were mapped.
One way to narrow. A beginning, after dozens of sick people and found near homes, schools, public buildings, forests. There were few
steam ducts of asbestos insulation. Enel, the data in hand, over 500 km of pipe has yet to renew 3. "They build them from scratch," explains the Mayor. Others are given numbers from the big geothermal power: more than 120 discoveries, 24 have been identified, contained, but still to be reclaimed.
"We - continues Martignoni, in unison with the mayors of Monterotondo, Castelnuovo - we asked the company a greater commitment on the findings next to homes, villages and public buildings because they are really damaging. " And yes Enel has arrived, with the award of a contract of € 5 million to be used as early as 2011 . "The two companies operating in the area have ensured 8 yards in the opening of contemporary art, with priority over Pomarance for sites to be reclaimed to St. Hippolytus, in the area around Pip and Larderello. To contract the company must also monitor the weekly findings, so that weather events do not damage the fences. " As about mapping, refer to the map of existing steam ducts until the '50s.

D to "Il Tirreno" of Friday, January 28, 2011


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