Friday, January 21, 2011

White Damask Wrapping Paper

It expand the productive areas of arsenic from

Pomarance work in the spring of € 1.2 million to equip seven hectares.
Martignoni, "the contract you are interested in more than 200 companies'

POMARANCE. This is the second and last batch that will lead to the completion of the Pip made along the main road 439, in the southeast of the capital.
"The award of this contract - says the mayor Loris Martignoni - has seen the involvement of over 200 companies and the presentation of 160 projects. Soon, in compliance with the regulations on the allocation of contracts, there will be delivery of the work should begin in the spring. " In addition
the completion of the urbanization is expected to supply the district heating with the possibility of using heat for production needs. The new area covers an area of \u200b\u200b71,683 square meters divided into 7 lots ranging from 4 thousand to 8 thousand square meters. whole area 10% is reserved for parking, 25% to 8% for green roads. After completion of the work will be published the tender for the acquisition of the lots, the price is around 21 euro per square meter.
being finalized, however, the work of Pip Larderello. The whole area in the upper part of the settlement, company was acquired by Emilian Lightning Greengas Spa Here arise a laboratory for bottled carbon dioxide for food. An installation that should take up at least 6 people.
localization Larderello the area also were interested in the municipalities of Castelnuovo, and Monterotondo Monteverdi, for want of production space, was not a choice causal. This choice is related to the availability of local resources, low cost, with maximum temperature available up to 210 degrees Celsius, and the presence of already launched services such as canteens, garages, car parks, as well as homes that Enel is already selling to individuals.

From "Il Tirreno" of Friday, January 21, 2011


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