Sunday, February 27, 2011

Best Rap Songs On Subs

waste in the new hi-tech eco-island

will be one of the most modern in Tuscany. Assessor: ready in early 2012.

a score to each user who will download in the pip which then turn into premium

POMARANCE. It promises to be one of the most innovative systems of Tuscany. A button at any time to manage all waste streams, in and out. Again a score for each user that will download, which will turn into a prize yet to be determined. will be open to the public in early 2012, the new island's ecological Pomarance, located in the new pip.
The work party, thanks to a waste 202mila Funding the euro, which the administration has added to many a total of € 404mila.
"The creation of a new collection center - said Councillor Nicholas Fabiani - was necessary because the initial area no longer met regulatory standards reference, and therefore could not be opened welcome to the public or other types of waste, and secondly because we found the need to provide citizens an area where well-equipped to confer directly with all types of waste that can be separated and recovered in a simple, functional and also convenient. "
The administrator will explain how to articulate area. "It will be able to accommodate all these types of waste containers placed in a fortnight: multi-material packaging (plastic, glass, aluminum and tetra), paper and cardboard, grass cuttings and prunings from bushes, wood (furniture, benches, trunks ..), bulky materials (couches, mattresses, chairs ..), used tires, inert construction and demolition and toilets, electric and electronic waste, vegetable oils exhausted, mineral oil, expired medicines, lead batteries, used clothing '.
addition, the center will be computerized, allowing you to manage at any time all waste streams, both incoming and outgoing giving users a score according to the weight which in the end of each year will become a premium.
The area will be accessible through a gate.

From "Il Tirreno" of Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Install Front License Plate Bmw E90

The tennis court will be refurbished: € 15 thousand are


POMARANCE - the tennis court is settled in Via Garibaldi Pomarance a plant that was also the focus of some controversy about the poor conditions prevailing in. The City Council Loris Martignoni, practically inherited the problem, has recently approved the skill with which it is estimated that the and resources needed for the restructuring of the tennis court. There is talk of € 15 thousand that will be allocated in the next budget. An amount which will restore the coplanarity of the substrate concrete where now rests the mantle of the tennis court, to avoid water stagnation points within the platform.
This will consist mainly in the removal of a section of perimeter fence and associated piles. Including the replacement of a section of a channel for collecting rainwater and restore functionality exhaust. The City also plans in addition to perform a cutting of a portion of the audience with concrete relativae correction of the deformations and depressions with leveling products. Not only action on the pitch anyway, but also the fitting of a stretch of sidewalk self-locking block adjacent to the field with the repositioning of the perimeter fence. a general contribution to upgrade then that will allow tennis fans can enjoy the sport again.

From "The Nation" of Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hydrogen Peroxide Fizz On Herpes

Pomarance Castelnuovo wand and Enel

'Relationship officially in crisis, lack of concrete commitments "

CASTELNUOVO. Reports officially in crisis with Enel. The joint statement comes from the mayors of Castelnuovo and Pomarance respectively Alberto Ferrini and Loris Martignoni. "We need an early comparison to institutionalize and formalize, enough stakeholders meetings that never fail to address the issues in a comprehensive way." It 'a kind of political change in this area. "Enel has always had a great deal of latitude in the territory."
Ferrini is a brief look at the relationship between the company and the territory. "Enel ran his presence we can count on a level of cooperation with local governments, which, to say the least, gave the sense of a particular if not excessive benevolence. "
It focuses on reflection decisive aspects: recruitment, turnover and investment. "In the past the company guarantees employment levels acceptable and a sizeable effect in related, this model is in crisis for years and after a phase of confrontation between the Commons and Enel is now necessary to check whether there are substantive and concrete maintain a relationship or whether it is inevitable to open a phase of great conflict. "
Pomarance Castelnuovo and seek concrete. "At present - increased the coverage - without concrete commitments and no concrete results on the employment front, local businesses, the environment and the asbestos issue, our attitude can be different than what we traditionally assume the municipalities of Amiatina.
Enel, for what concerns us, we should be aware that the relations are in crisis and that our governments intend to build new relationships completely reversing the traditional logic: companies are guests of the territory and not the master nor the territory or its resources, companies Guests must take into account the vital interests and general populations, To handle these needs is the representative institution of the citizens, the City Council. "

From "Il Tirreno" of Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Home Made Pellet Trap

Tasting Tasting No.1 No.2

Saturday morning I woke up early. Bella, with his usual thoughtfulness and pleasant, I prepared the breakfast: some tasty slices of bread with jam and coffee. Gonzalo, always active and efficient, was already up long before me. We waited for the arrival of trucks, as agreed the night before, without particular concern because we thought that there would be no more hitches. What would happen again? Absolutely nothing: the only two drivers had to get up, drink coffee, take the truck and come get us.

continue to wait, again without any particular concern, because among Cubans was normal to give a date for a certain time and then get an hour and a half late.

However, when the two-hour delay became a concern began to be felt and became a disappointment when some of the drivers called to tell us that the truck was down for maintenance, and that day we could not leave. You had to postpone the trip until the following day.

Maribel Meanwhile I had already called twice and I was glad to hear that we would be late. I am not at all, but I thought he put the truck serviced before a long trip was a security measure that, on balance, was worth addressing.

In the afternoon I took advantage of the time to go to a supermarket in the area, called "Quinta y 42" from the name of the two ways in which cross was, in the Miramar district. Gonzalo accompanied me. I had to buy the mural for the home of Niquero, who needed an aesthetic touch. I had brought from Italy because they did not know how to pack the buckets from fourteen liters of paint and I was afraid that opening up during the long journey would have caused incalculable damage. I thought then that Havana would more easily find what you were looking for. The supermarket was very busy: unexpectedly discovered that most customers were Cubans and the thing that struck me most was that many of them paid no attention to costs. A normal state salary would not allow it to buy more than two bottles of sunflower oil, a tube of toothpaste and some soap (the most popular articles of the population and they sell out quickly on the shelf): I was wondering, then, as did some in the present case with two bottles of rum brand and pay for tickets for fifty dollars, displaying exclusive clothing and gold chains and bracelets that were worth as three years' salary ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sympathy Message Spanish

Valdicecina cuts to bus rides

The first citizens accuse Province and Cpt

ARE officially came into force yesterday by the new provisions Pisano Transportation Consortium for the suburban lines Valdicecina . The mayors of the area, even before the start of 2011 had spoken of "unjustified cuts." Now Martignoni (Pomarance) Buselli (Volterra), Ferrini (Castelnuovo), Giannoni (Monteverdi) and Cerri (Montecatini) intervene again on the question asking for a suspension of the measures taken by Cpt. "We consider that despite repeated meetings, had in recent times in the Province, not only were not accepted unless it partially our observations - say the mayors of Valdicecina in a joint statement - but cuts were initiated on public transport the municipalities of Valdicecina consider absolutely unacceptable when the cardinal principle of containment of the cuts was to protect school and work. " "You can not even imagine a scenario of cuts that further penalize the school, work and health services in our area - conclude the mayors - therefore ask that these choices should be suspended until you will reach an agreement with the company that protects Cpt sopraelencata categories of users. "

From "The Nation" for Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2010 Isee Test Results

Just games in the rain! The Centre Party

Street to cover the stadium

POMARANCE. This time it's true. After years of promises will be made to cover a large portion of the stands City "Botrilli" in the capital, built in the early 70s when he was still mayor Luigi Calvani. The administration by the commissioner in sports Leonardo Fedeli, states that "In recent days was held to award the tender for the work of that intervention, which follows the work already performed of these interventions in treatment and recovery in cement all tiers. The renovation of locker rooms, including the placement of solar panels on the roof terrace. This long-awaited permit to repair the audience in the days of bad weather. "
By mid-March start of the work; intervention should be completed in June, at a cost which is around € 109mila.
Coverage cover the central part of the forum and have a width of 22.50 meters. This structure will be built with a cantilever length of about 10 meters, all galvanized steel.

From "Il Tirreno" of Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Are Some Punk Movies?

L 'Osservatorio economy meets the leaders of the Smith

POMARANCE. The Observatory on the local economy not only moves. But it also collects the first fruits, this time meeting with the leaders of the Smith- International recently incorporated by Schlumberger, announced in the recent days, the mobility for 22 employees. "We strongly ask the company to revise these numbers," lets you know the coordinator of the observatory Loriano Fidanza.
at the table all the mayors of the High Valdicecina Mark Buselli (Volterra), Alberto Ferrini (Castelnuovo), Sandro Cerri (Montecatini), Loris Martignoni (Pomarance), Carlo Giannoni (Monteverdi). Joseph Muzzi to the other side, the employee businesses Simone Ferris is responsible for personnel Mauro Marchi. "The company has valued the instrument of the observatory as a reference point for comparison and to understand problems, proposals and solutions with respect to business problems.. "
next Wednesday to meet with the unions of Smith Observatory, while Friday will be the turn of face to face with Atisale.

From "Il Tirreno" of Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Costco Makeup Brush Set 2010

Economic Operation transparency, come together in four praetorian Register Online: Volterra

Valdicecina: OK POMARANCE, Montecatini, Monteverdi and CASTELNUOVO

POMARANCE , Montecatini, Monteverdi and Castelnuovo triggered the praetorian register online - making it downloadable resolutions, determinations, notices, minutes of city council and all other acts - adapting in this way the legislation came into force on 1 January, an integral part of that "operation transparency" that has made the Minister Brunetta. From the list of books online, however, lacks the Valdicecina Volterra, which have not yet established in spite area constitutes the most important town in many ways. On the website of City of Volterra deliberations of the junta, for example, are still the month of November 2010. The mayor Buselli still has the issue on the agenda, especially as the issue of transparency was one of the flagships of the civil list "United for Volterra."
in the last weeks of last year, inter alia, the addition of Volterra had also approved a reorganization of the web portal of City in anticipation of the institution of the register on line. Opposite situation, however, as we said at the opening for the other municipalities of the Valdicecina. A Martignoni Pomarance the junta had already taken the path of systematic publication of all documents on its website, long before the obligation of the law, so that we can define the Pomarance as a sort of leader in this field.
CASTELNUOVO A reorganization of the municipal website, renovated in late 2010 in the graphics and content, also coincided with the service register Praetorian online. On the home page you can click on the appropriate link that connects the navigation area dedicated to research documents. The same goes for the small municipality of Monteverdi Marittimo, which also uses the same software also purchased by the City of Pomarance. Even Montecatini Valdicecina transposed the legislation and from 1 January this year put everything online, including the annexes of the determination.
Volterra word can refer to adapt easily to the experience of neighboring municipalities.

From "The Nation" of Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Hide A Rogers Number

In March, missing only the single point of production activities

Towards the abolition of the mountain community here is a more unified service of Commons who belong

POMARANCE. We are moving towards the unification of the services for high Valdicecina municipalities forming part of the Montana. A big word that unification and has always found a brake style parochial, but the indications coming from the region will inevitably lead to the transformation of the mountain community in the Special Union of Commons, though it will take some time to put all agree.
Meanwhile it started with the single body with regard to municipal police , although for the time being, were to join only pomarance, Montecatini VC and Mo Monteverdi.
The experience of the associated function, which could be omen for the subsequent acts, is the first game of the year, and this in compliance with the provisions of Regional Law No. 37 which provides for implementation under the aegis of Montana Community itself.
"Resolution on - says the Mayor of Loris Pomarance Martignoni - had to be taken before December 20 last year, and its implementation has made it possible to keep alive the body mounts. Initially there will be members of the municipalities Volterra and Castelnuovo VC, but they announced their membership once they have settled some internal issues on the staff. "
The mechanism of associated functions is now working on other news: "In the month of March - specifies the first citizen of Pomarance - will leave another piece of this reform. This is the Suap (One-stop production activities). A one-stop shop that will have jurisdiction in matters of trade and production activities with the task of simplification, land development and related licensing and permits. "
And yet the first citizen to be specific. "The new government regulations require that municipalities with a population of less than 3 thousand inhabitants in the future should involve almost all the services, but to achieve this we believe that there is need for consultation and important synergies that are now all be created. "
The body of the policemen involved, at whose command he was appointed Commissioner George Ricciardi, current commander of the brigade of Pomarance, has its headquarters in the mountain community. The staff now has eight employees: 5 of Pomarance, 2 of Montecatini VC and one of Monteverdi M º. The operation of this group was tested at the GP Etruscan Coast, which saw the departure from Pomarance and travel for several miles, on the streets of the towns of reference where all the fighters of the body only have helped to make the best security service.

From "Il Tirreno" of Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bleeding A Day After Period Has Ended

Following the many requests received and to thank my (future) readers and admirers, I believe it is essential to Start pouring in at least give some taste of the new version of the book.

Therefore, no more talk here and below an excerpt of one of the first totally new chapters. Happy reading!

The plane landed Thursday night at the airport José Martí. The flight was quiet, apart from a stop in Key Largo where you tip over a sudden gust of wind at the side touching the runway. I finally freed up to two passengers sitting behind me about forty, whose speeches and ostentatious contempt aloud about how they would spend the holiday in Cuba, how many Cuban would be brought to bed, on what would have eaten and drunk with the money he brought with them, suggest that well over what their cultural level and the consideration that had to people. I wondered why some people had to spend much money for a plane ticket and stay at a hotel when he could find what he was looking much closer to home. Above all, I was wondering why those two were talking so loud, since no one had expressed the slightest desire to know their own way.

Maribel's brother, Luis, was waiting for me and him were also Gonzalo, handyman uncle, and Felix, a cousin who lived in Havana and had the car, an old Moskvich. I came out easily from passport control because I had seen a family type, the so-called A-2, which allowed to stay at a relative's house without having to necessarily use of tourist facilities: After hurried up the paperwork for the residence I would be served. Later I also had to go to the Italian Embassy to enroll in the Registry of residents abroad, as I was reminded employees of the municipal offices of the Registry of Turin when I went to ask about the first time.

Luis Gonzalo and had made the trip from Niquero aboard a truck with which we had to carry all my stuff. He was a truck of an agricultural state that Maribel had rented, according to the agreements more or less clear that I could never understand. In fact the only way to make private transportation in Cuba was because there was no removal firms available to ordinary people. And there were not even the Yellow Pages can refer to, as I had done a few weeks earlier in Italy.

Unfortunately that night was not possible to pick up my packages, because it was too late and the customs for the removal of the goods had already closed, we should try again the next day. What's more, the truck was not even available because he was, inexplicably and against our will, to the Isla de la Juventud, very far from where we were, but the two drivers had left that would have been told Luis to return 'tomorrow. It was a mishap that does not bode well.

We got all four of the Moskvich and headed towards the city. Along the way, to repay, I told Felix to stop at a gas station, so I paid the full load of fuel from the back seat and handed him a fifty dollars. Casually said something that I could not understand

"What did he say?" Asked Luis.

"He says we do after refueling," he said, meaning that the supply would have done at another time, buying the fuel where it was cheaper, that is presumably on the black market ...

Image: Tim Beach /

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cruising Places In Dc

Asbestos - Won civilization

publish, with permission, the following considerations, which appeared in the "Spalletta" of Saturday, Feb. 5, we consider optimal summary of what has been done so far on the subject (and what there is to be done):

ll the December 2010 "ln ... Municipality" means the period of the Municipality Pomarance left families, reported that it would open a discussion table between Enel and Pomarance, Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, Monterotondo Marittimo, and on inspection of the tracks of abandoned steam ducts along which there are still significant amounts of asbestos. The article in a local newspaper with a photo of Mr. Mayor Pomarance smiling, reports that this table has met and soon the path will be checked. The Administration
Pomarancina be happy with the work: it reached a good conclusion to preserving what has been promised Together for Change in the election program. In fact, the first of the projects atttuativi is written: "Rehabilitation Asbestos - Consider the mapping of the old steam ducts and derelict industrial land to be reclaimed. "The result is on local government, politics and the significant contribution of so many subjects: from the" Asbestos Committee and geothermal "High Valley Cecina, we operate exposed to all "asbestos. by citizens who have called incessantly, to the lady who submitted a complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Florence, where the supposed crime of murder and ecological disaster. by labor unions whose support was very strong with the exception of a small symbol at a banking institution for the removal of products containing asbestos granted loans at very subsidized families, artisans and local businesses. lnfine, but not least, all "others, the media, especially print media.
Before continuing it is right to point out that the amount allocated to inspect and clean the tracks of steam ducts not svenerà Enel Green Power. It 'just above all "a percent of profits Deli 2009. A superficial assessment of the event led to believe, as stated in the article, that there was a small area of \u200b\u200bthe great victory against the 'ex-body electric.
This account is wrong. If you
success has been, and the emergence of civilization against barbarism of finance and stock market stress, which leads us to believe 4 or 5 thousandths of a dividend of € per share more important than the health of populations. Under no circumstances must it be forgotten that the area has suffered numerous deaths and massive damage to environmental health and image. Evenuali on deaths and damages verdict will give the Judiciary. E 'instead of the common task requiring substantial financial compensation for other damages. This is not a capricious or subversive point of view but the position held by the President of the United States of America against BP for the multinational oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
If civilization will continue to prevail, there will be investment, jobs, a better environment and a future less bleak for young people. If he wins the barbarism, we will have some kind of compensation that will allow you to walk on golden platform where it will not be anyone. Civilization is to invest, acquire knowledge, cooperation, safeguard the "environment, create opportunity and prosperity for future generations, the altemative: let your mind clouded by money. King Midas teaches.

Lorenzo Vangelisti

Friday, February 4, 2011

First Check Light Line

Pisan Hills: Yes Union of Municipalities, but nothing is missing caravans

Representatives of the Federation of Civic Lists Together for Change see the setting up of a Union of Municipalities of the Pisan Hills, necessary step to ensure essential services in a time when resources public tend to shrink.
The problem of improving the efficiency of services provided by local authorities should be the focus of political debate and in the process of creation of the Union, which promises to be long and complicated, we must solve some problems that will undoubtedly will arise:
- should be reduced minimizing operating costs of this union: do not need more carriages paid by taxpayers to put some political discontinued. The resources must be found with the savings from the economies and the improved efficiency that allows the Union.
- must be avoided, what we already have some inkling that for reasons of expediency partitocratica are situations waste to spread like a malicious virus.
- must be guaranteed representation of all minorities, both in delicate process of creation of the Union in which we must outline the institutional mechanisms that will last, both during the exercise to ensure their effective role in monitoring and scrutiny of, and not to become a foreign body in the democratic process and transparency rules.
- It 's essential to start a process of participation and citizenship information to understand the meaning of the operation, to ensure that the Union is seen as something imposed from above and cause future outbreaks of parochialism .
Fabio Tinelli Roncalli Parent Council Chamber Together for Change - Montescudaio

Emilio Mancini Parent Council Chamber Together for Change - Riparbella

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Does Road Salt Corrode Aluminum

geological report, the region rejected the wind farm

together for change: draft to the sender for Enel the third time

Lustignano. Lustignano pulls a new sigh of relief. The village Pomarancina, for the second time, was being overshadowed by new wind turbines linked to the new wind farm project by Enel of 9 wind turbines on Mount Canneto the border with Monteverdi. "The third project by Enel was immediately returned to the sender because of incomplete documentation," are from this group of civic lists Together for Change.
targati Enel already two projects, which sought to transform the Mount of Canneto in a forest of wind turbines, have been rejected by the Tuscany Region. And the third does the same end.
"On the hill of Canneto is a huge landslide, also marked on maps city, and the project is completely lacking the geological report. may not have been able to find a geologist who certifies the security of the site? "He asks.
The Pomarance has had the opportunity to express their negative opinion on a project of 15 wind turbines, which primarily impacted the village of Lustignano. "Enel And, oddly enough, you forget to send copies of the documents," they conclude.

From "Il Tirreno" of Thursday, February 3, 2011

Home Made Luggage Tags

The Etruscan involves Gp the secondary school children from geothermal

Planet bike together with Paolo Bettini. And the race Saturday

POMARANCE. really a beautiful morning at the scene of the Brave Pomarance for students of middle and high schools of the capital. Over 60 students attended, coming forward with questions and thoughts on cycling.
Thus began the approaching departure of the Etruscan Pomarance Gp, Saturday, arriving traditional Donoratico. The province is confirmed cycling paradise, if ever there were doubts.
The boys and girls, the theater of the Brave have appealed directly to the world champion and Olympic gold, the current coach of the national Cycling, Paolo Bettini. The initiative, in fact, is under 16 º Gp Etruscan Coast which runs Saturday and will start the rally with a Pomarance Larderello at a time where there will be the official start. Passing then for most Roads Upper Valdicecina, reaching Sasso Pisano, Castelnuovo, returning Montecerboli, Pomarance, to continue toward Saline Ponteginori, Casino di Terra, reeds and Monteverdi.
initiative, one held Pomarancina the theater, which in addition to attract young people to the sport has been responsible for address topics such as doping, often wrongly attributed to the large family of cycling clean and healthy (to put it Bettini). And then the culture of cycling, starting with how he came to how it has evolved over time, up to the sports theme of food.
addition to Bettini was attended by Mayor Lori Martignoni, the Department of Sport and Leonardo Fedeli part of the technical staff of ASD Coast of the Etruscans, who oversaw the association in detail the particulars of each Grand Prix and in the morning with the students, thanks to its staff qualified, has done its utmost to actively involve pupils in schools. In fact, had been set up three "stations" where some students have ventured into various activities such as pumping wheel, ride on rollers, removal and replacement bicycle components, supported by their fellow fans with a lot of banners carefully prepared for this mini competition .
for the event next Saturday, Valdicecina is expected in a large crowd of motorcycle enthusiasts, including the subsequent media coverage of the event will be on TV with a direct Rai about an hour.
All set for this event that, in addition to being caconsolidato, back after so many years in professional cycling Pomarance and throughout the Upper Cecina Valley.

From "Il Tirreno" of Thursday, February 3, 2011