Sunday, February 27, 2011

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waste in the new hi-tech eco-island

will be one of the most modern in Tuscany. Assessor: ready in early 2012.

a score to each user who will download in the pip which then turn into premium

POMARANCE. It promises to be one of the most innovative systems of Tuscany. A button at any time to manage all waste streams, in and out. Again a score for each user that will download, which will turn into a prize yet to be determined. will be open to the public in early 2012, the new island's ecological Pomarance, located in the new pip.
The work party, thanks to a waste 202mila Funding the euro, which the administration has added to many a total of € 404mila.
"The creation of a new collection center - said Councillor Nicholas Fabiani - was necessary because the initial area no longer met regulatory standards reference, and therefore could not be opened welcome to the public or other types of waste, and secondly because we found the need to provide citizens an area where well-equipped to confer directly with all types of waste that can be separated and recovered in a simple, functional and also convenient. "
The administrator will explain how to articulate area. "It will be able to accommodate all these types of waste containers placed in a fortnight: multi-material packaging (plastic, glass, aluminum and tetra), paper and cardboard, grass cuttings and prunings from bushes, wood (furniture, benches, trunks ..), bulky materials (couches, mattresses, chairs ..), used tires, inert construction and demolition and toilets, electric and electronic waste, vegetable oils exhausted, mineral oil, expired medicines, lead batteries, used clothing '.
addition, the center will be computerized, allowing you to manage at any time all waste streams, both incoming and outgoing giving users a score according to the weight which in the end of each year will become a premium.
The area will be accessible through a gate.

From "Il Tirreno" of Sunday, February 27, 2011


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