Saturday, February 26, 2011

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The tennis court will be refurbished: € 15 thousand are


POMARANCE - the tennis court is settled in Via Garibaldi Pomarance a plant that was also the focus of some controversy about the poor conditions prevailing in. The City Council Loris Martignoni, practically inherited the problem, has recently approved the skill with which it is estimated that the and resources needed for the restructuring of the tennis court. There is talk of € 15 thousand that will be allocated in the next budget. An amount which will restore the coplanarity of the substrate concrete where now rests the mantle of the tennis court, to avoid water stagnation points within the platform.
This will consist mainly in the removal of a section of perimeter fence and associated piles. Including the replacement of a section of a channel for collecting rainwater and restore functionality exhaust. The City also plans in addition to perform a cutting of a portion of the audience with concrete relativae correction of the deformations and depressions with leveling products. Not only action on the pitch anyway, but also the fitting of a stretch of sidewalk self-locking block adjacent to the field with the repositioning of the perimeter fence. a general contribution to upgrade then that will allow tennis fans can enjoy the sport again.

From "The Nation" of Saturday, February 26, 2011


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