Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sympathy Message Spanish

Valdicecina cuts to bus rides

The first citizens accuse Province and Cpt

ARE officially came into force yesterday by the new provisions Pisano Transportation Consortium for the suburban lines Valdicecina . The mayors of the area, even before the start of 2011 had spoken of "unjustified cuts." Now Martignoni (Pomarance) Buselli (Volterra), Ferrini (Castelnuovo), Giannoni (Monteverdi) and Cerri (Montecatini) intervene again on the question asking for a suspension of the measures taken by Cpt. "We consider that despite repeated meetings, had in recent times in the Province, not only were not accepted unless it partially our observations - say the mayors of Valdicecina in a joint statement - but cuts were initiated on public transport the municipalities of Valdicecina consider absolutely unacceptable when the cardinal principle of containment of the cuts was to protect school and work. " "You can not even imagine a scenario of cuts that further penalize the school, work and health services in our area - conclude the mayors - therefore ask that these choices should be suspended until you will reach an agreement with the company that protects Cpt sopraelencata categories of users. "

From "The Nation" for Tuesday, February 15, 2011


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