Thursday, February 3, 2011

Does Road Salt Corrode Aluminum

geological report, the region rejected the wind farm

together for change: draft to the sender for Enel the third time

Lustignano. Lustignano pulls a new sigh of relief. The village Pomarancina, for the second time, was being overshadowed by new wind turbines linked to the new wind farm project by Enel of 9 wind turbines on Mount Canneto the border with Monteverdi. "The third project by Enel was immediately returned to the sender because of incomplete documentation," are from this group of civic lists Together for Change.
targati Enel already two projects, which sought to transform the Mount of Canneto in a forest of wind turbines, have been rejected by the Tuscany Region. And the third does the same end.
"On the hill of Canneto is a huge landslide, also marked on maps city, and the project is completely lacking the geological report. may not have been able to find a geologist who certifies the security of the site? "He asks.
The Pomarance has had the opportunity to express their negative opinion on a project of 15 wind turbines, which primarily impacted the village of Lustignano. "Enel And, oddly enough, you forget to send copies of the documents," they conclude.

From "Il Tirreno" of Thursday, February 3, 2011


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