Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Economic Operation transparency, come together in four praetorian Register Online: Volterra

Valdicecina: OK POMARANCE, Montecatini, Monteverdi and CASTELNUOVO

POMARANCE , Montecatini, Monteverdi and Castelnuovo triggered the praetorian register online - making it downloadable resolutions, determinations, notices, minutes of city council and all other acts - adapting in this way the legislation came into force on 1 January, an integral part of that "operation transparency" that has made the Minister Brunetta. From the list of books online, however, lacks the Valdicecina Volterra, which have not yet established in spite area constitutes the most important town in many ways. On the website of City of Volterra deliberations of the junta, for example, are still the month of November 2010. The mayor Buselli still has the issue on the agenda, especially as the issue of transparency was one of the flagships of the civil list "United for Volterra."
in the last weeks of last year, inter alia, the addition of Volterra had also approved a reorganization of the web portal of City in anticipation of the institution of the register on line. Opposite situation, however, as we said at the opening for the other municipalities of the Valdicecina. A Martignoni Pomarance the junta had already taken the path of systematic publication of all documents on its website, long before the obligation of the law, so that we can define the Pomarance as a sort of leader in this field.
CASTELNUOVO A reorganization of the municipal website, renovated in late 2010 in the graphics and content, also coincided with the service register Praetorian online. On the home page you can click on the appropriate link that connects the navigation area dedicated to research documents. The same goes for the small municipality of Monteverdi Marittimo, which also uses the same software also purchased by the City of Pomarance. Even Montecatini Valdicecina transposed the legislation and from 1 January this year put everything online, including the annexes of the determination.
Volterra word can refer to adapt easily to the experience of neighboring municipalities.

From "The Nation" of Saturday, February 12, 2011


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