Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cruising Places In Dc

Asbestos - Won civilization

publish, with permission, the following considerations, which appeared in the "Spalletta" of Saturday, Feb. 5, we consider optimal summary of what has been done so far on the subject (and what there is to be done):

ll the December 2010 "ln ... Municipality" means the period of the Municipality Pomarance left families, reported that it would open a discussion table between Enel and Pomarance, Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, Monterotondo Marittimo, and on inspection of the tracks of abandoned steam ducts along which there are still significant amounts of asbestos. The article in a local newspaper with a photo of Mr. Mayor Pomarance smiling, reports that this table has met and soon the path will be checked. The Administration
Pomarancina be happy with the work: it reached a good conclusion to preserving what has been promised Together for Change in the election program. In fact, the first of the projects atttuativi is written: "Rehabilitation Asbestos - Consider the mapping of the old steam ducts and derelict industrial land to be reclaimed. "The result is on local government, politics and the significant contribution of so many subjects: from the" Asbestos Committee and geothermal "High Valley Cecina, we operate exposed to all "asbestos. by citizens who have called incessantly, to the lady who submitted a complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Florence, where the supposed crime of murder and ecological disaster. by labor unions whose support was very strong with the exception of a small symbol at a banking institution for the removal of products containing asbestos granted loans at very subsidized families, artisans and local businesses. lnfine, but not least, all "others, the media, especially print media.
Before continuing it is right to point out that the amount allocated to inspect and clean the tracks of steam ducts not svenerà Enel Green Power. It 'just above all "a percent of profits Deli 2009. A superficial assessment of the event led to believe, as stated in the article, that there was a small area of \u200b\u200bthe great victory against the 'ex-body electric.
This account is wrong. If you
success has been, and the emergence of civilization against barbarism of finance and stock market stress, which leads us to believe 4 or 5 thousandths of a dividend of € per share more important than the health of populations. Under no circumstances must it be forgotten that the area has suffered numerous deaths and massive damage to environmental health and image. Evenuali on deaths and damages verdict will give the Judiciary. E 'instead of the common task requiring substantial financial compensation for other damages. This is not a capricious or subversive point of view but the position held by the President of the United States of America against BP for the multinational oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
If civilization will continue to prevail, there will be investment, jobs, a better environment and a future less bleak for young people. If he wins the barbarism, we will have some kind of compensation that will allow you to walk on golden platform where it will not be anyone. Civilization is to invest, acquire knowledge, cooperation, safeguard the "environment, create opportunity and prosperity for future generations, the altemative: let your mind clouded by money. King Midas teaches.

Lorenzo Vangelisti


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