Thursday, February 17, 2011

Home Made Pellet Trap

Tasting Tasting No.1 No.2

Saturday morning I woke up early. Bella, with his usual thoughtfulness and pleasant, I prepared the breakfast: some tasty slices of bread with jam and coffee. Gonzalo, always active and efficient, was already up long before me. We waited for the arrival of trucks, as agreed the night before, without particular concern because we thought that there would be no more hitches. What would happen again? Absolutely nothing: the only two drivers had to get up, drink coffee, take the truck and come get us.

continue to wait, again without any particular concern, because among Cubans was normal to give a date for a certain time and then get an hour and a half late.

However, when the two-hour delay became a concern began to be felt and became a disappointment when some of the drivers called to tell us that the truck was down for maintenance, and that day we could not leave. You had to postpone the trip until the following day.

Maribel Meanwhile I had already called twice and I was glad to hear that we would be late. I am not at all, but I thought he put the truck serviced before a long trip was a security measure that, on balance, was worth addressing.

In the afternoon I took advantage of the time to go to a supermarket in the area, called "Quinta y 42" from the name of the two ways in which cross was, in the Miramar district. Gonzalo accompanied me. I had to buy the mural for the home of Niquero, who needed an aesthetic touch. I had brought from Italy because they did not know how to pack the buckets from fourteen liters of paint and I was afraid that opening up during the long journey would have caused incalculable damage. I thought then that Havana would more easily find what you were looking for. The supermarket was very busy: unexpectedly discovered that most customers were Cubans and the thing that struck me most was that many of them paid no attention to costs. A normal state salary would not allow it to buy more than two bottles of sunflower oil, a tube of toothpaste and some soap (the most popular articles of the population and they sell out quickly on the shelf): I was wondering, then, as did some in the present case with two bottles of rum brand and pay for tickets for fifty dollars, displaying exclusive clothing and gold chains and bracelets that were worth as three years' salary ...


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