Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Are Some Punk Movies?

L 'Osservatorio economy meets the leaders of the Smith

POMARANCE. The Observatory on the local economy not only moves. But it also collects the first fruits, this time meeting with the leaders of the Smith- International recently incorporated by Schlumberger, announced in the recent days, the mobility for 22 employees. "We strongly ask the company to revise these numbers," lets you know the coordinator of the observatory Loriano Fidanza.
at the table all the mayors of the High Valdicecina Mark Buselli (Volterra), Alberto Ferrini (Castelnuovo), Sandro Cerri (Montecatini), Loris Martignoni (Pomarance), Carlo Giannoni (Monteverdi). Joseph Muzzi to the other side, the employee businesses Simone Ferris is responsible for personnel Mauro Marchi. "The company has valued the instrument of the observatory as a reference point for comparison and to understand problems, proposals and solutions with respect to business problems.. "
next Wednesday to meet with the unions of Smith Observatory, while Friday will be the turn of face to face with Atisale.

From "Il Tirreno" of Sunday, February 13, 2011


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