Monday, December 27, 2010

How Long Did You Have Gastritis?

carefree excursions year-end

the table "Overview".

I come again, long awaited and yearn for the holidays "conscripted" by Christmas, so I organize with Fred, who was also at home, a nice walk. We decide to go by, as in the final days of the last years, in order to leave calmly and find a destination more suited to our poor physical condition. The choice fell on the hut Cuar under the namesake mountain. At eight are from Frederick and after two stops to take the food is excellent and fresh mortadella, Andreis and to continue on the road connecting the village to the hut to let the car continue on foot.
The day is cold, but fortunately not laid the Bora whips annoying as forecast: an excellent opportunity to test my new batteries, Gift of Darius, and the new softshell Montura that gave me and my parents Ilaria . Leaving the road we go down the path 815 through woods and crossing a very beautiful rustic cabins renovated; the only flaw in the landscape power line that goes from Lake Cavazzo. After the short run there so warms the body reaches the right temperature stable and well protected by my good jacket again, a good buy. At the end of the path cross the road to Forgaria and the Hills, but, having rejected an alternative route, we decided to go up the hiking trail that goes up 816 in the middle of a forest of black pine, used here in the past on an industrial scale for its resin which was produced by turpentine. Hot and without breath because of the steep climb we reach a small table with benches where we stop to enjoy the sun and a splendid view: a part of the Friuli plain, the sea in the distance, Cavazzo lake and ice-capped peaks of the mountains to the north. After a good warm barley and some pictures off again towards our destination. Unfortunately, our route passes behind the mountain and so we are no longer bathed in sunshine. The cold weather is being felt along a forest very nice and well cared for here and cut a great light. We also find good stretch of hard snow, which keeps well on the north side of the mountain. Just before arriving in the Hills are once again the sun that lights us and the Carnian Alps who appear before our eyes. Along the way we meet a van abandoned and wrecked that reminds me of some abandoned cars in which we played small to San Antonio during the holidays in the mountains. Arriving at the hut we eat Our room (the mortazza fresh is very good) and enjoy the sun going down behind the top of Cuar. The temperature is stiff, but the sun is not bad and I lean to warm up to a door made of aluminum which is very hot sun. Giving allacima tightening for the time we go down into the valley through the woods to 5 degrees below zero. For some photos I take off a glove and feel a quick finger ache from the cold. Around here even my phone is getting enough so I could hear Ilaria who called me to tell me that the juice of my new beer, bubbling merrily. Returning to the bench the first break we decided to go down the dirt road, a good alternative to the steep path. Here we see a kite that pass us and then flew over the road until it disappeared into the woods again. Along the final 815 of the path that brings us back to the car we are intrigued by some stone walls covered with green moss that run parallel in the woods. We decide to follow them and define them find an old trail that leads to a small group of houses in ruins and uninhabited for years. None of these has over the roof and the shutters on the windows, but some still have old wooden doors locked from the inside. Trees grew all around and even on the windows of the houses. In short then we are already in the car headed home. Time has passed
carefree and serene at this last walk of the year, quarter of this journal. In the evening I'm back with my girls, legs tired, relaxed, ready to go to bed happy because these holidays just started promising and tomorrow will be filled with a new and enjoyable trip in Austria with his grandparents.
Happy New Year to all!


Walkin Clinics For Birth Control

The third and the fourth chapter (as renumbered) were completed. It 'been a hard enough job that took me longer than expected because they have been partially rewritten and integrated with existing valuable information that I had kept in my diary. I had to make a hard copy operation-can-cut-paste-rewrite-read again.

will now expedite the work should continue, some chapters "historic" will remain unaltered (with minor revisions), while others will be added brand new. At least a couple will to finish the story and a couple more stories to tell several unpublished.

Then there are the "findings" from paper to scan: I am a bit 'scattered around the drawers of the library of the house, so I have to go looking for them and begin to catalog them. Hopefully that will not break the scanner in these days ...

Photo taken by:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ideas For Fake Diseases

Here's the cover!

forgive me for the delay in the processing of the book "I'm going to live in Cuba" and since we are in a period of Christmas gifts I have decided to reveal one of the "goodies" that will be accompanying the new edition of the tales.

next door, in fact, you can see the world premiere (it has never been published before in any forum, blog, website, gallery, forum, social, etc.). Photographic reproduction of my legendary "Carné de identidad "Cuban stood my status as a Permanent Resident (and here the capital letters are a must!). I decided that this emblematic image is almost certainly the book's cover.

Some relevant details, sure to be missed readers more attentive, for example, are the date of entry into the country and the emission (the difference is equal to more than six months ...) and the words carne de identidad, without the final T and without emphasis on E, which could lead to the belief that some pages are hidden in a piece of human thigh.

Even my haircut is not a negligible detail. It must be said, however, that the passport photo was not taken on the spot, but it was a copy which I brought with me from Italy and went back to some time previously. In reality in Cuba wore a more modest cut: if I had kept that mane in summer I would definitely be dead due to overheating of the skull. However I was intrigued the idea of \u200b\u200bdelivering that picture by the U.S. Immigration Cuban to see if they had the courage to apply it on the Carnet. Unfortunately they had the courage to do ... The Carnet

PS was composed of several pages, but since I only had a couple of rolls of film (for the younger ones, once the pictures were to "lots" of 36 frames and you could see only a few days. .. ask your parents if you do not believe it!) I had to save shots and so I decided to take only the first two. In hindsight I regret not having done a few shots more.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Maplestory How To Make A Moonstone

Little birthday walking

shortcuts to the top.
Every year for my birthday to organize a nice climb, but this year I did not succeed because of the extreme cold and fatigue that is me sapping. But today, the eve of birthday, I want to enjoy a bit 'after the sun reappeared last month, so I call him uncle Dario to suggest a short afternoon trip on Matajur and he, as usual, accept immediately. Prepare a backpack with a few things - I just got from very light - I greet my girls and childbirth. After a quick coffee at his house, his uncle Dario and I go back to the Valleys of Natisone Montemaggiore, the last village on the slopes of Matajur, where we leave the car. After chatting with a nice man who speaks to us of the latest snowfall, we walk the road to the refuge. Unfortunately, we started late and the sun is down, the lights are gradually getting warmer and grazing. We walk at a good pace by cutting, where possible, to snowy shortcuts. Going encounter those who have gone before us and now down to the valley: parents who play with her children or going to build an igloo with snow sleds, families who came to see the scenery and young photographers who are inspired by the last light of day. The air is clean and crisp. Darius, dressed perhaps too much, he sweats a lot, but would, as always a good pace, despite the aftermath of accidents football. Slightly greater than the shelter the sun has already disappeared beyond the horizon for the happiness of others who enjoy the back, there grows a bitter wind and protect your hands and head dress appropriately. After a few photos to give up top and the first stars we head towards the valley. The view is splendid. To the south we see the Friuli plain and clearer all'orrizzonte the sea. To the west the sky is inflamed, while in the east became the first ice and then night. Between the fire of the sunset and the black of night come on the moon first, then slowly millions of stars, sublime "DeRoche (said as Matilda) astral. We went down under a light crescent in the sky. We pass the abandoned cars in makeshift parking lots in the snow - where are their owners? - And happily back in the bell tower where we left the car. The country is desert, only a few faint light testifies to the presence of humans in some houses. From the tower comes rhythmic twang of the clock that marks the time of that town. Down crossing a beautiful landscape: a group of illuminated houses on a hill lies beneath an endless sky of stars, such as those that were present 39 years ago, the night before my birth.
In short, after a visit to look for a Vidusso windstopper, probably a birthday present, he accompanied Darius and are home again. Fresh air, sunshine and exercise have the usual effect on my body and my mind. I relax a peaceful noticing fatigue in the legs unexpected, given the brevity of the walk, my little complaint that this allenamentondi intense period.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Do I Brush My Tongue

Between dream and reality

The Mangart behind the clouds and the moonlight of a night in the eighties.

The Taming of the nights of recent years, crushed, shredded and cut off from the little Matilda, expanded borders of my sleep and wake blend dream and reality. In tiredness that has dragged on daily living emotions vivid dreams, dreams and reality breaks through the mountain of my imagination. I'm talking about places dear to my memories to relive in my dreams with new forms; and dream of places, experienced many times in my dreams that become real and familiar to my memory. In this way happily relive those mythical place in my personal history, with the same original and authentic emotion. These
S. Antonio the village where I spent the summer holidays for many years, that I see in dreams still full of those experiences and emotions that then shared with friends and relatives who went there with me during those months. Similarly Slizza relive the stream that is very different dreams, but always rich in fish and unexplored places that excite my imagination and the desire to explore, now partly appeased.
Others are places that exist only arise and are repeated several times in dreams, such as mountains, dream until recently, that are scratched from the wounds of the Great War. Try to describe: they are two peaks in front, divided by a deep saddle. The one on the right (no other details) is crowded, a little 'higher and steeper, can also be reached by cable car on its top and is home to a beautiful retreat. The other top, lower, rounder, more extensive but little-used instead, the war seems over yesterday and the tremendous spirit of the place is still pungent.
are imaginary places, but that represent important moments, thrilling and exciting of my experiences in the mountains. They share the volcanic energy that was born by the simplicity of an adventurous expectancy and its implementation, an 'adventure that we lived preparing, waiting, and sharing a foretaste.
Now my baby makes me discover new and more exciting and I hope that tomorrow I will share with you even the Alps. In recent months
dull gray and variously live these emotions, small "cidulis" waiting for the bright sun.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Other Places To Get Dresses

Time is running out!

Time is short and my days have only 24 hours. Moral: I was back on the roadmap, it is useless to deny it. At this rate, I fear that it will be virtually impossible to give the book to press before the end of 2010, as I set ambitiously.

readers who had thought about buying the book "I'm going to live in Cuba to make a Christmas gift to friends and relatives will have to start thinking about an alternative. I hope this will not create too many problems, in which case you are allowed to send me to hell ...

However, this does not mean that the project has stopped: in fact, the slowdown is due to travel times because of my own pedantry, I'm rewriting the first chapters faithfully it based on my journals of the years 1995 and 1996, where I found numerous notes and useful information to reconstruct my memory and that allowed me to adjust some parts of the story that were superficial, and add some parts completely missing.

So if you have the patience to wait you will find a much better product than you expected. In the coming days I will update you on recent developments.

Image: Suat Eman /

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Joystick Wheelchair Hack

There's no 2 without 3: Towards

Roberta, my "cousin" is back for a weekend at home, so its desire to go climbing. At 10 and a half start from where I leave the house to see me pouting Ilaria and Matilda leave. Good part of my heart remains at home with her, but I hope all this make her grow in her curiosity and passion to share in the future with his dad. Towards the middle we are Gemona, the sun still kissing the rock, but the temperature is high, and miraculously no one: the whole cliff for us. Distribute the material and proceed with the dressing. Check that everything is in order and secure, melt the rope, knot and prepare the birth. After climbing Anduins I can read better the rock, I'm moving well, light, safe and capable of great fun. Then it's a Dario who eats in one bite, perhaps galvanized by the performance that gave her back in the game of football last night. He arrived Robert's turn. The shoes that I have given are too large, those of its extent, I have worked and still have not returned, but she still climbs safe, beating the wall with ease. There's other guys that follow us a very nice wheel while climbing in the sequence we proceed on the path of the field easy Gemona. Roberta take good photos, looking for unusual and inaccessible points of view. Meanwhile, the salt wind, but the sun is still behind the mountain and not see him heat the rock that we touch as time passes and we go home. I wanted to try my hand on the last, that 5c with a delicate step, but we expect sandwiches mortazza and the last two bottles of No. 7. Going meeting Gianni tells me that he had seen a short distance during a hike in the morning, a bear. Then multiply the signals, walking in the mountains is becoming more adventurous.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Is Red Zinger The Same As Red Raspberry Tea

Anduins following a 'intuition

recent lifting of hesitation, we decided to return after two years to climb Anduins. I am encouraged by the enthusiasm shown at last Gemona on a street unknown, but concerned by the difficulties that have other ways that we so unusual.
Contrary to the days of past week the weather is cloudy today. The wall is full of people, the easy way which usually warm us are busy and so we must start with "Ucelut, a fifth for us is always challenging. Parto quieter. Unfortunately I can not concatenate good steps, but even with a few stops with arms and they feel the effort, I can overcome them away, as does Dario. Unexpectedly, I can climb with a great peace of mind with the mind and clean body that moves in spurts but light.
not finding ways to free our reach down towards the parking area where I meet a boy she knew many years ago in a holiday in Croatia. As soon as you go down the free "Fraidomania" on which we are launching fast. Once again I decided to move, weighing each step in without hesitation and with good soddisafazione up the chain. Dario also climbs well and fails to address the street better than any other time. Time flies and it is already half. The basis of "Blue Moon" is occupied by the string of some who are talking in a little more. So I kindly ask their permission to precede them. By granting that presses behind confinement decided, but now I struggle with the difficulties of the road-safety applications that I have not. Dosing good balance on the feet to better exploit the uncomfortable hand grips that I find I can
"carabiner" and overcome the second jump of the rock. Just above begin to feel fatigue and weak hands Security proved them right. After a break to recuperate, having drawn the attention of Darius and dragging a bit 'on the rock beyond the end of the street guessing the concatenation of the sockets. I'm finally in the chain. Unfortunately, Dario can not prove why the push for climbers waiting their turn, forcing us to last and easy way ugly.
The day was full satisfaction and confirmed that the last time it was just a hunch Gemona: climb without too many expectations, but knowing how to put game on the new routes, other than the usual and close to our limits, is a good way to find new motivation and renewed enthusiasm. The muscles are gently
tired fingers aching, lungs and eyes full of autumn colors and scents. Crowned the morning with good salami sandwich and a beer out of print, extraordinary, we eat sitting on the rocks surrounded by nature. Even Roberta, we hear the phone from Rome, are the envy of a lot and expresses the desire to thundering on limestone next weekend, when it will be home for the weekend.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Torticollis In Infants Botox

A taste? It depends ...

Some readers have asked me if and when they will get a taste of the new version of the story "I'm going to live in Cuba."

Unfortunately I have to say that for the moment I can not meet this legitimate desire for a simple reason: the acceptance of the manuscript from a possible future publisher is subject to the fact that it is unpublished.

In other words, if you show just a few pages the publisher may refuse to publish the book.

Note that in the event I talked about possible future publisher ": at present, in fact, there is still no publisher with whom I have contracted anything. This is obvious since before finding a publisher must already have a completed manuscript.

However, even if I had already finished the manuscript and I had already submitted to some publishers do not necessarily someone This interest to publish my story and so you might as well be the case where should I go to so-called "autopubblicazione" (which would not be so bad, considering the unfair contracts that publishers often require that authors ...).

In this case, dear readers, I would have no problem to give you some taste of the new chapters .... not overdo it!

Image: Catherine Hadler /

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thornberry And Rugrats Game Free

mah? but!

The climbs are becoming increasingly rare, there is no time, opportunities and, sometimes, the desire, but today is a of those autumn days memorable, sunny, mild and saturated colors, which become a real attraction, a unique opportunity for an afternoon of climbing. All this is true not only for us, so when Dario, Luca and I come to Gemona, there is a daunting crowd: all the easy routes of the cliff top five are occupied by a course in rock, for each of them there are an insurer, a student and a queue of other aspiring climbers waiting for their turn. We begin then with one of the most low, dirty, strange, and I never liked it. To deal with I have to find a particular concentration to pick and choose the track to follow and coordinate every step and every movement. Thus achieving the chain weighing each step slowly but without hesitation, difficulty in finding a source of great encouragement.
Today is also a perfect day to take pictures, so I'm delighted with the lovely Panasonic Luke, given that Olympus has a problem with the memory card. Luca
salt courageously with a harness eighties he claims to have bought less than a decade ago. Return now to climb after years, but moves well and exceeds the streets with peace of mind. Dario, despite the hearty lunch with donors of blood, burn the steps with his usual energy.
Thankfully is liberated in a way I prefer, so we run to occupy our square meter. Here I have fun, I'm easy and I can climb with a nice pace, use your feet carefully and gently, while the head is clean, focused on finding balance between what it tells the body what the body communicates.
The sun sinks below the horizon, the light becomes warmer, along with the few remaining in the crags we enjoy fully the ways of the last day. Finally after so long I can have fun, find new ideas and listen to the body, mind and rock converse with each other.
go down to the early sunset (the days are short) enjoying the last warm light of day, with the satisfaction of the fine weather and good company that we feel alive in the arms of heaviness and lightness of spirit.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Many Zopiclones For Od

Jof autumn

September has flown between commitments, bad weather and the flu, but now finally able to realize we design the tour for months on Miezegnot of Jof. Thanks to a rare synchronicity between my rhythms of sleep and the alarm sound jump out of bed at 6 o'clock in top form, preparing the last things, I have breakfast and childbirth. After buying a delicious bagel with cream, closing the lunch of homemade pizza, Federico, Cinzia and I go there to take John is waiting at home.
Val Dogna welcomes us cloudy, but as soon as we get to share the sky is painted blue and below us a sea of \u200b\u200bclouds engulfing the road that we've covered. A Sella Somdogna leave your car and take the path 609. The weather is stable, but the sun is hidden behind a dense humidity. The forest begins to wear autumn in all its range of greens, reds, yellows, and browns, and releases all its scents made from intense rains in recent days. Overcome the initial ramp at a good pace, but at a pace that allows us to experience all these emotions. Special sections of the trail are also well familiar to my memory and when we cross a large mule understand that we are coming hospitalization "Btg. Gemona Mountain" and the small war cemetery adjacent to it where we see a new crucifix erected recently.
decide to visit the remains of the first line of the Italian south-east ridge of the mountain that we reach through a path made it difficult in some places by channels created by the recent heavy rains, which cut across and force us to adventurous alternative routes through woods pine and small jumps of rock.
Legends and testimonies collected in the Friuli region tell of mysterious sightings of the Great War regiments wandering in the fog, here we do not see, but the signs of ancient human presence is very much alive. Barbed wire, shippers oxidized sprouting the gravel, cans, chipped and rusty tins, bottles of all colors, broken plates and dishes and many other things that not only tell human stories dramatic and far, but there are the touch, as the object of more other moves us: one of the parties that made up a plate recognition, without his precious cargo: the identity of a broken soldier.
In this alpine environment we also note the traces of the presence or animal. Along the path we find the remains of a goat, we will explain later, it was probably eaten by a bear sighted in these parts, while on a gravel, in a sinuous, creeping flight, I see a Viper makes me, as they say in Friuli, the "sgrisuj. Since
channels that cut the path that is higher from here seem insurmountable, we decided to walk the same trail: Once you reach the camp, we realize that is no longer that friendly and clean house we knew, but a refuge is in a state of neglect: the dirty floor lie the remains of food left by hikers scattered by a "rat" indifferent to our presence and has made the mattress, in very poor condition, its burrow, the offering box is often the subject of Alpine burglars, the fence that surrounded the terraces no longer exists as a beautiful outdoor table on which you ate in plenty of company.
In the open air, after clearing the pack the remains of squashed donut, eat our lunch. In the register of camp we find our signatures, I remember our winter ascent, and with no little sadness those left a few days earlier by Luca Vuerigh.
time is improving, the sun begins to beat, so John and I decide to climb to the top, to see if the path is still viable. The climb, after lunch, is tiring. As soon as we reach the saddle below the summit we see the sky in a strange and fascinating phenomenon: a huge circle in the bright blue sky, a large crown on the head of the Alps which I guess is a reflection of the sun on the atmosphere. The trail that climbs to the summit is not clean, but remains cautiously viable, proceed with care and arrive on Jof. For many years I climbed up here and I feel a bubbly feeling. The landscape, in spite of the clouds is always wonderful to be here. I see the same old dilapidated barracks when I saw them the last time many years ago, the mountain weather always seems to run slower, but here it seems to have stopped. I would like to share this moment with my brother and Sten are not that much in the mountains. After visiting a few locations, phoned home and said goodbye to Robert, who today failed to join the group, where we got to go down and reach out to others in the camp. After I rid of excess water that I carry around as usual, caliamo downstream, enjoying the autumn colors fired by the raking light of the evening.
After one last time to savor his lungs, eardrums and retinas in the autumn mountain saddle Somdogna reach the farm by car to the Plan of Spadovai where we expect a delicious and juicy frico with polenta and some biscuits, a recipe for Grandma of these places, very good.
The light of sunset gives way to night, the road runs fast under the wheels and fatigue begins to be felt. Satisfied and with a great desire to see the girls in my house, I let the emotions that pervade the mountain I can give, even after received the news that the little girl has taken a bad cold and then again, this night, no sleep ...


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pain In Right Arm With Rash

And the second is gone ... First chapter completed

... I mean, of course, the second chapter of the book, one which speaks of my arrival in Cuba of the early vicissitudes, such as the failed attempt to withdraw my parcels at customs.

I note that the numbering of the chapters will be different than the original one, because it will put some new and existing ones are expanded.

Also there will be some "goodies" very interesting: each chapter will be accompanied by photos of some "finds" that testify to a close the whole story, such as the form AWB (Airway Bill) or the shipment of my bill Parcel ... A book like this really should not miss in the library of a fan trip to Cuba: please, do not let him escape.

Image: bk images /

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Does Light Affect Living Things -answers

Well begun is half done and I just finished writing the first chapter of the book.

Maybe I should say, "rewrite", or rather I should say "add" because it is a completely new chapter and that does not exist in the stories you've read so far. I decided, in fact, that the book begins with the narration of the facts prior to my departure for Cuba: the preparation of the move and some other interesting facts relevant to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it feels like to "drop everything".

In the coming days will go on to write the second chapter. As mentioned in ' opening article of this blog I think to completely rewrite the first few chapters, adding the missing parts that will be realized thanks to the helpful notes of my faithful diary that I have diligently kept in 1995/96.

Image: Salvatore Vuono /

Friday, September 3, 2010

Robert Carlinaviation Prints

"I'm going to live in Cuba" will soon become a book

For those who know me can say that long ago (It was the year 1995) I moved to Cuba to live with my wife, taken permanent residency, I stayed there about a year, I lived the Periodo Especial, and did many times the queue to the "bodega" with the "libreta".

The testimony of that experience led to a series of stories entitled "I'm going to live in Cuba that I began to publish on the site, I thank him for hosting me, and who had never read them can find them on my site , where collections are also other useful information about Cuba
A heartfelt thanks goes to all the friends by reading those pages are fun and they gave me the impetus to continue writing.

For too long, however, my stories were left without a final re-evaluates them, I also realized that the beginning was a bit 'confused and there was little consistency between different chapters. So I decided it was time to put hand to my "work" and make a significant restyling, rewriting some parts, deepening the beginning and writing a final, with the objective to take a great step forward that will lead to the publication of a actual book , to browse and take with them.

I've seen dozens of books on Cuba travel impressions, because my book would be less interesting and be less successful? On the other hand so far, after more than 15 years, I have not heard of other Italian (and foreign) who have made my own experience so I think to be quite original.

The purpose of this blog will keep you informed on the progression of the work: the deadline that I set it out in bookstores later this year, maybe for Christmas, so you can give copies to your friends ...

If you want to be apprised of the latest come back soon to visit this blog, or simply follow the instructions for entry on the right or bottom of the page (Atom).

Image: prozac1 /

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Green Greenuncensored Anime


uncertain times, so Dario has accepted my proposal to go climbing in Gemona. At 17 we are already on the wall where we cross Gianni with his friend. Warm us on easy street, where I now find myself in an unusual difficulty: they are very slow, legato and insecure. Will for pains in the heel and wrist, it will be for the recent lack of physical activity, mah! will what will be but I can not climb. The feeling continues in the streets later, I move only in the latter with a more decided. The day has at least a good rhythm, that of the holidays without that feeling that makes you run and get things done quickly and without being able to enjoy fully. Dario climbs well and with confidence. On the penultimate away unable to move beyond just a very comfortable position that he had "wrapped". Better than we do a huge black beetle, which moves fast and comfortable on the wall. On his return toast with some of the last bottles of No 8.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Pc Tv Center 6 Features

holidays under a blanket of stars

pencil and his dad

This year we spend a few days holiday in S. Anthony, arrived Monday night after eating in Villach and visiting walls Finkenstein where Tos and climbed with my brother years ago. We went with two local kids (Laura and her boyfriend at the time) after seeing our shoes take the air at the window. It was a memorable trip ended with a better beer I ever drank, made with all the ingredients offered by that splendid day. I will always remember their kindness, their kindness and passion for the mountains, that he would first drive and then tragically divided.
That same evening, taking advantage of the darkness that has a lawn away from the street I admire the beauty of a sky that takes your breath away, it was not so much that I enjoyed a show like that in town you can not even imagine. I get lost in the contemplation of the wonder and patiently await the shooting stars that should fall into these nights. I'm lucky in three nights I can see a dozen Perseids, including some beautiful with lots of trail, a slip in the sky above my head and gives me a tangible sense of depth to the universe.
Tuesday to meet my parents, Lorenzo, Pasquale, Brian, Laura and Tim (some American friends) with whom we do a lap around the lakes of Fusine before eating a delicious lunch at the restaurant Edelweiss. Matilde weighs much more than the previous years and my shoulders are starting to suffer, he enjoys a lot with the stick that I made, happy flying stones in the lake "as the park's Cormor" he says. Going with my Paska and S. Antonio meet Armenian boys who ask us some information, they are nice Scout on holiday I decided to put in telephone contact with Elias, my uncle Armenian. The international day of meetings culminating in the evening after a short but relaxing trip to Villach. The children are having a lot of days, but would return in the evening at our house, its games and its habits.
The third day, the sun is shining, but our programs must be changed because you have taken the influence pencil and begins to show signs of restlessness. We wanted to make a trip to the plateau of Montasio, but we settled for a snack, with excellent sandwiches made in Fusina, we gather together at the monument dedicated to soldiers who faced each other in these valleys, more than two centuries ago, the armies of Napoleon. Not far away we see dozens of cyclists along the path that leads in Slovenia and lakes Fusine. The day ends with a nice evening in Villach. The last day we get tired and confused after an almost sleepless night for the little feverish. So we decide to return home immediately after breakfast. Before leaving, I can watch the confrontation between two generations during the killing of some sheep: Marco (our host) is very tense immobility while forcing the beast in agony, while his stepfather's actions prove intent in gore more quiet and peaceful . Back home
saluting the "field of Feo and his fifth: the Mangart.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

How I Know The Adult Channels On Hotbird

Alpine Valley Tour Colvera

Overcome the roadblocks for the triathlon Matilda, Ilaria and I head towards the Val Colvera to visit Manuel, Lauren and Luca.Con me Bring on the booties respond to the invitation of Emmanuel, which yesterday passed a nice 7b +. Time is discrete and the temperature and crisp, especially when we get to the magical village Polaz. Manuel and John leave immediately for the walls of Colvera Valley, where they must put some chairs made from a tree trunk, a luxurious comfort for their days of climbing. After the greetings and let Ila Mati with Lauren and other friends and I reach them, intent on finishing their work before turning to an hour of climbing. Manu and Gio start warming up for a sixth (to say their overrated) I also feel that at the end of the second. The route is beautiful, steep, but well ammanigliata. Alas I have not warmed up enough and already half way into my arms, not at all accustomed to this type of climbing, they are cooked. Arriving near the top, but I can not pass the last step, which senses the movement, but not have the force enough. I do decline with arms aching, still satisfied. While I was taking photos on their streets continue to climb even more difficult until Emanuele over again 7b + won yesterday, via a very steep roof with a pair of horizontal, very beautiful and very challenging. Turning back we celebrate with a slice of watermelon, while Mati enjoys racing at "breakneck speed" down the slope in front of the house.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Application Form Brampton


I fell asleep with my little Matilda, for a short afternoon nap, so when he played the alarm to remind me of the appointment with Darius I woke up all dazed. The storm thundered away and this gives me hope that our trip will end with a farewell call before returning to sleep, but the optimism of Darius is Steel. So around 17 are home after a coffee and head towards Gemona. The storm rages in the south, towards the sea, while there seems to be Gemona even the sun. Rock climbing are just a pair of climbers who defy the wind that sweeps everything today. I climb the first half-hearted way, noting a certain rigidity in their movements. Dario follow me and climb very well, carefully chooses where to put your feet up and a staircase with unusual calm his fiery spirit, thus earning its climb in style and effectiveness. I toss on the second street and I already feel the urge to return. The movements are not secure and continue as long ago, but I can climb with ease. From the chain enjoys a splendid panorama, which is particularly clear and drawn by a splendid light, the effect of a particular provision of the traits clouds against the clear sky. We continue to climb until 19.30 the past, enjoying the scenery and mild temperatures in recent days. When you reach the car I get a text message "Tos" which has just released a 7b +: Tomorrow we're going to find him so we will celebrate.
accompany Dario at home sipping a particular landscape, made from light passing through the gap between the wall of the mountains west and a curtain of clouds in the sky and that sliding light clouds, hills and mountains.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bridge Designs That Are Efficient

windy summer bloom Around Mt Poviz

summer is finally here. It is very hot and then decide to leave in the morning "soon", or at the same time ever. At 7 am, in fact, I am Manar Formiutte and ready for the hike in the program: the ring of Monte Poviz. After switching to take John and fresh bread drifting Sella Nevea. The cable car is still in service as well, at 8.45, we climb the path 636, walking in fields still wet with dew. A daisy all covered with tiny droplets of anticipating the main theme of this hike: the lush summer. Accompany us along the path fragrances and summer mountain childhood memories: the dampness of the rain yesterday, the sweet scents of flowers, the aromas of plants and trees and the mood of the undergrowth. Along the old path of the Great War military encounter the remains of small barracks ruins and buildings that once full of meaning, fears and emotions now lie useless and falling. Today we walk slowly becoming not miss any opportunity to take photos. But the pace is steady and secure, thanks to GPS (the "gifts") that came to John and Manara, at about 10.30 so we are crossing with the 637, a path that runs at high altitude between sinkholes, caves and rocks excavated from the water since time immemorial. From here admire the whole group of Canin and his live across: the group of Montasio and Jof Fuart. Now the walk has become less difficult under a beating sun. Even here, scattered among the rocks, many species of colorful and fragrant flowers. In case less exposed to the sun's heat and underground karst sinkholes sinking, we find wide open spaces of snow. Every so often we stop to admire the view and drink before thirst begins to claim its share. Along the trail we see an old concrete pipe in place of some function connected with the front line that stood near our destination for lunch. Always with the end multifunction given to me by Ilaria that protects me from the sun, I continue with my fellow adventurers to a deep depression that anticipates the final steep climb up to camp. Just leave the large tracts of snow immediately feel the heat turned up high humidity. We reach out the old barracks destroyed near the front line. At the exit of a tunnel, before proceeding to the camp, I drop a stick from his hand, and ends unhappily bouncing down a hillside, under my astonished gaze. I salt the discomfort: there where it stopped, I certainly do not recall. But others are optimistic and have a plan: throw stones at the stick to make it fall over towards the end of a gravel reach from the valley below. A lucky shot reaches the goal, and so later I will be able to recover it. After visiting the Savoy Modonutti Bivouac, eat lunch on a beautiful table with benches under a fierce sun that warms rushing everything it touches, so my back. After a photo before the other and go down to fetch the stick. As a reference point using a solitary larch, the only tree in the middle of the scree. To prevent entrapment between the thick branches of a clump of pine go down to the base of gravel and begin the difficult ascent, the differences between rocks and old and new: tins, plates, cans, bottles and tins. In the end I can reach and retrieve very relief stick. At about 14 we take the path that brings us back down to 637 Sella Nevea, unfortunately as I feared the tendon of the right ankle, probably ignited by a "jog" pulled too long, is felt. Let small children under the majestic and vertical walls of Mt Robon, on which we see the traces of the mountaineers. Coming down we continue to admire the colors and smell the perfume deggli countless flowers and abundant green plants that cover the track of our journey, among them a beautiful lily of the mountain. As the altitude drops, the heat rises. Spent my last supplies of water and I think that next time will be better and carry more than enjoy a lunch light of the classic sandwich with ham. A fall of rain cools the air of the forest that protects the end of our journey. From here we are on the short road and then to the parking lot where we left the car. While some noisy children compete in 'adventure trail' we descend into the valley. Along the road weariness with us, the landscape slips under the wheels with his curiosity, appearing in uniform in World War I, diversions along steep streets, tourists are washed into the icy waters of the river tramps and tourists. After having refreshed his feet in the "Raccolana" Resiutta reach where we expect chicken, chips and fresh thirst-quenching beer. Late in the evening of this long day arrival at home port Ilaria chicken in part to share the joys of the day and a gift to Matilda outlet cone in the forest which makes it unexpectedly and enthusiastically joyful.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lyme Optical Migraine

Opening Lambertenghi

nine o'clock, after a pleasant journey by car an hour and a half, we leave the hut and continue on foot Tolazzi to the Refuge Lambertenghi Romanin.
The day is beautiful, the sun is shining and the air is crisp. The team of hikers today is larger than usual. The group, made up of Cynthia, Fred and I were joined by Robert and John also. The company is now happy and friendly does not feel the fatigue, so we choose the fastest, but steep trail that leaves the road cut into the woods to our right. During the climb we talk a lot and share experiences and interests, so step by step, word by word, passed one last tongue of snow in a couple of hours we are at the shelter. After greeting his wife and Gianpiero, transmission Lambertenghi today inaugurate the season, we continue towards the lake Volaia for another ride before returning here to enjoy the set menu of the day (first, second and drink for only € 10.00 ). Going
crossed the old trenches, So take advantage of Roberto, passionate about the Great War, for us to tell the story of these places. The landscape is beautiful, the most spettacoltari Carnia. The lake, surrounded by high peaks is largely covered by the last ice floes. A tongue of snow down the steep north face of the "Top Lastrons the lake and flows into the lake. John After intensive research and great satisfaction is the hideout of a box that some lovers of treasure hunting with GPS has hidden. Before climbing up a hill behind the hut we see an avalanche in Austria with a terrible noise that almost falls into the lake. We then explain that Gianni breaks the ice and rocks, and holds together until the thaw, when they fall freely toward the abyss.
Eventually, after exploring a gallery of the first war and had found some relics, hungry back to the shelter. The lunch was soon served: pasta with meat sauce, sausage and polenta cakes depending on your preference, wine, water and clamps offer a toast to the new season. Lunch in glee, warmed by the stove scopiettante and kind and friendly hospitality of the two operators. Gianpiero tells us of the bad winter alpine this year has cost the lives of many climbers, among them his friend and explains the rescue maneuvers in case of an avalanche. Roberto, I discover that you have followed the course of music by my own dreaded teacher, try in vain to give the guitar the shelter, without a rope and the other consumed by the long stay in the cold, so we can not hear him play. We intend to bring back next time.
goes out to the afternoon sun that warms the bones. But time passes and it's time to go home, at least for me, John and Robert. Frederick and Cynthia, who accompanied us for a long time, remain to sleep here. After the greetings, the trio proceeds downstream. Come on down to enthusiasm to see a hiker with a tenacity exemplary despite a physical limit which makes it difficult to carry by myself walking slowly but with determination, perseverance and passion.
The fatigue is felt heaviness in the legs and in the lightness of heart and head. They will be accompanied by John gps to guide us along the path of the morning. We continue to talk all the way to photography, history, archeology, and anything else children. John arrived the car radio salute the lucky vacationers happy and tired mountain and take the road home. A pretty busy day, spent in good company, spending in the mountains, the sun and fresh air. In the evening, as usual, I let myself go to sleep, talking to my little Mati, who falls asleep on his dad's adventures in the Alps.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fl Volleyball Cameltoe

"FACANZE" The return of Dario

grandparents gave us a wonderful holiday in Alto Adige
, so we left together in a van,
hired for the occasion, for four days of
relax in good company.

Thursday morning at nine grandparents, uncles and the little
Manu came to get home, load the luggage in the van and
large Villandro we move to a village
from Bressanone and Bolzano. We decide to take the path that
through the flesh, and then goes down in Cadore
in Val Pusteria. The trip is long, but the support and good company
make it pleasant. After a stop at a coffee Sappada
to continue the journey and parts of Sixth
find where to eat typical dishes of the place.
begin to feel the taste of the holidays and unhurried
admire the scenery. Val Pusteria is wonderful,
cured, clean and charming. Not without difficulty
find our guesthouse, situated halfway
with a wonderful view of the Dolomites of Val Gardena.
The place is cozy and the cuisine is rich and delicious. The
soon discover, it is dinner at 18.30 with various
-course set menu ending with a delicious sweet. The day
is sunny, the temperature splendid
so after dinner we decided to take a walk,
enjoying the wide open landscape, the scents of the woods and meadows of
stable and the sound of the wind, the crickets and
swallows. Matilde, galloping on his faithful horse
Alexander (me), you marvel at this and see
especially from a distance, an ancient manor, now renamed the
"Fiona Castle".
returned to our rooms, after searching in vain for an Italian-language channel
, there asleep satiated the long day.

Friday morning, after the rich and varied breakfast, calmly
shared in good company, we go down towards our goal of
Today: Bressanone. The town is delightful, especially
in this beautiful sunny day. The center
is completely dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists who may get
the numerous and very well
biking trails that run throughout the province
. Many, in fact, moving by bike, both
delight, both for its daily requirements. In these spaces
the girls can run happily without danger,
much fun. Returning to Villandro
we visit the small town and its cemetery.
the old and new graves are all piled nell'esiguo
courtyard of the church torn to the steep slopes of the mountain
. Each grave is marked by a cross of iron varies
bill is directed toward the rising sun and is decorated with colorful flowers
planted directly in the ground. In this place
tradition and modernity meet.
small items you would expect to find in everyday family
decorate some crosses like a twisted heart
who finds himself suspended between love and pain
a mother or a girlfriend. Back on board
Ilaria remains in the room with the small
who fell asleep while we continue to
the alp huts for a walk. We leave the car in the Hills
and continue on foot along a path bordered by a fence and a thick clump of pines
. A little higher up we are in the midst of
wide meadows dotted with huts, long
fences and mountains still covered with snow.
The walk continues along a walkway that runs along a marshy area.
passing a bridge over a stream, lush alpine
reach a hut still closed. Here we find
wooden toys for children: a slide, a small climbing wall
a pulley that runs along a steel cable. Let us not miss the chance to play a little
'. After a snack with bread, bacon and beer, we go back into retirement
ready for the tasty dinner.
The girls are always full of energy, so while we have dinner
run and play never leave peacefully.
Tonight the temperature is cooler, but the same
we decide to finish the day with a short walk before
back to sleep.


Third and fourth day
Saturday morning after a night of sleep uncertain
recharge your batteries happy with his usual breakfast,
gladly accept the advice of Marcus and decide to go to Bolzano
for the flower market, walking the streets in
share that lead to Soprabolzano, where
take the cable car that goes down in the capital of the province
. The scenery is always beautiful. Everything is
very nice, neat and clean.
regular wood fences divide the road from the meadows full of colorful flowers
. Organic Farm alternate
villages characteristic and alive. Again, animals, forests and
many people moving on foot and by bike, elegant
for the party or sports for a walk. Arrived at destination
take the cable car that descends directly
in the city. The trip is spectacular and aviation: the adventures of Princess Mathilde
has just begun. After
Bridge magic that brought us from the mountain top
into town, his grandfather gives us a ride on a carriage with horses
along the streets. After
visited the flower market and the cathedral, he saw the window of
reseller in the Sacher in Vienna,
closed for the celebration of May 1 and have tasted
a fresh beer, let's go back. At the station of the cableway crossed
reckless cyclists who are
lead at the top to get off at breakneck speed along
path and steep terrain. One of them tells me to do it
in 6 minutes. At the top
Matilda would take the train of
Renon, but time is running out and dinner is waiting for us. Small
fall asleep in the car and come to peace with
destination. Dinner is excellent as always, although the awareness that
HOLIDAY is ending leaves us a bit
'melancholy. I share with my mother in the windy evening
a Dominican cigar that Marcus gave me. We end the evening exchanging

nice chat with a German couple in an unlikely and not very functional
"melting pot" of languages, before going to prepare
suitcases. Tired we fall asleep.
Sunday morning and return to the way of the progress, discarding
, given the bad weather, the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing through the
Val Gardena. A break for coffee and then take in Brunico
driving the van. The girls were asleep so we can travel right up
Ovens Avoltri where
lunch with frico and polenta. In short, then, accompanied by
good songs, we're back home.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Npr Org Player Mediaplayer

In a window of good weather in the afternoon this Saturday we are going to climb. The selected object is always the cliff Gemona, crowded at this time, but close to home and our current possibilities. After a barley coffee (too "Yin" coffee would affect our already precarious balance) part accompanied by notes of ACDC, the last purchase of his uncle. The temperature is good and we arrived at the cliff a go-ahead from where we begin. Among the crowd as Gianni, despite the winter break, is in great shape. After the way and bypassed some climbers hung a simulation staging Alpine I go down and leave room for Dario returning today for the first time on the rock after the operation. Still has not recovered completely, it will take time, but will return to move as slowly and more than before. In fact, climbs well and quietly than the ascent. Only after having climbed the third way begins to melt, linking together a series of movements that I saved twice by repeating the same climb. So I can have fun and find the urge to climb on the last road to the gym, then 5c always very challenging for me. Encouraged by his uncle Dario birth. After I stopped on the spit above it to find energy and concentration, the supero key step and go on. On the final part of the route begins to turn around a little 'head and I do not shine because of the sleep debt that this week was made even heavier because of the cold of my heart Matilda, so I have to work hard to not lose focus. We conclude by climbing up the second "crostutis" following advice from a guy in that we host on our rope. After a day I feel the relaxation of fatigue on the arms and shoulders, the slight pleasure of a day of outdoor climbing over me. The fingers are sore and covered with magnesite lives. Let's go home happy to celebrate with the number 8, the last and most bitter beer of my production.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Have A White Bump Above My Tooth

Off topic

After the unsuccessful attempt yesterday to go to climb, because bad weather dl, despite the efforts of Darius, who had immediately accepted the proposal, despite returning the same from a long ride, today I went biking in Palmanova, down a little frequented by traffic, except for some piece of state route for navigation errors. The wind and rain have tried in vain to spoil the ride, largely under the sun, surrounded by villages that had never seen, and fun meetings. Tonight I feel the pain and fatigue on the legs with saddle within 51 km of road in two hours.